The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

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Master Of Chaos
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The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by Master Of Chaos »

So me and a few others started this trend in the forum games where we would write quotes from our RP characters for specific other characters as if they were facing off in a fighting game. So now I'm making this topic to collect them all and put them into one place, because I CAN. Anyway, post your quotes below, In spoiler tags preferably so they don't stretch the page, and I'll add them to the OP. You can also ask for your quotes to change or be updated at anytime, provided you present me said change.

Spoiler : Pre Battle Quotes - Spider-Man :
(To Shadow) "Guess I'll have to show you the ultimate power that only a human can muster."

(To Onic) "This is for the one you killed. Sonic the Hedgehog."

(To Vegeta) "Child-murderer, arrogant killer, and all-round terrible prince. Let's get this overwith!"


(To Merrik) "Your perfection quest is misguided, Calvia. Turn back now and use your abilities to save innocent lives! Not take them away at will!"

(To Kageno) "Like that Dubsy guy, WHY DO YOU EXIST?!"

(To Ryo) "Hmm...This is going to be fun. Catch me if you can."

(To Exa) "I'll knock the stuck-up right out of you."

(To Narome) "I'm sorry, but I can't let you hurt anyone else. This is the end of the line, pal."

(To Darken) "Evil isn't the best place for you. Have you considered a career in accounting?"

(To Drey) "Assassins... At least you don't talk as much as that other guy. *shudder*"

(To Lamont) "I happen to like dogs, ya know."

(To Ewyn) "Here we go. Ready? 'Cause I am. Raise that sword and come at me bro!"

(To Norman Jayden) "Sorry, Norman. But you've sunk to far low for me to save."

(To Albert Wesker) "Time to finish this Albert. Just you and me... For the fate of mankind."
Spoiler : Spider-Man WIN Quotes :
(To Shadow) "Told ya. You just got Chaos Owned!"

(To Vegeta) "Sorry for knocking your block off, your royal idiocy."

(To Dubsy) "Finally! Jeez, I was beginning to think you'd never shut up."

(To Merrik) "Your ancestors' must be ashamed!"

(To Kageno) "Good, and stay down and count the f***s I don't give about you."*

(To Ryo) "You put up a good fight. Maybe Fury'll give you a job."

(To Exa) "And there goes the stuck-up, flying away!

(To Narome) "Sorry. But I had no choice."

(To Darken) "That accounting job would really, really suit you. Think about it!"

(To Drey) "Maybe there's a creed out there for you. Ciao, pal."

(To Lamont) "That's for all the dogs out there, you sick freak."

(To Ewyn) "Not bad, but just not that good in the end. Sorry about the beatdown."

(To Norman Jayden) "I'm sorry, Norman. Maybe this'll help you on your road to rehabilitation. Please."

(To Albert Wesker) "At the end of the day, Albert, both of us have great power... but only one of us chooses to use it responsibly. And that's why myself, and the innocent, so-called "weak" members of the human race will always be stronger than you."

* Obligatory 60s Spidey meme reference is obligatory

Cormac Finnigan:
Spoiler : Pre-battle :
(To Mark Dawn) "Never bring a sword to a gun-fight!"

(To Markess Holloway) "Well, well, well, if it ain't Mark 2!"

(Elaine Royce) "Ye sure about this, Miss Ellie? I ain't goin' easy."

(To Trama Salamander) "This won't end well for ye, Miss Salamander!"

(To Kazooie) "...Yep, I'm fightin' a d*mn bird. I must be dreamin' here."

(To Zakson) "Quit talkin' to yerself and fight me already!"

(To Kenneth Roymond) "Geez, no need to be such a buzzkill, ya grump."

(To Kageno Kumori) "Will you please just shut yer trap already?!"

(To Lawrence Matryoshka) "Nice gun. Let's see if ye've got any skills with it!"

(To Nero) "Lookin' stylish there, lad!"

(To Yasui Yuko) "...Wait, didn't ye die?"

(To Zip Barren) "This shouldn't take long at all."

(To Margaret Almabeelle) "Yer dead! Wait..."
Spoiler : Win :
(To Mark) "You gotta practice if ye want to catch up!"

(To Markess) "I'm the leader of this group, buddy!"

(To Elaine) "Sorry, but hey, I did warn ya..."

(To Trama) "Don't ye have a weddin' to get to or somethin', lass?"

(To Kazooie) "Looks like I'm eatin' chicken wings tonight!"

(To Zakson) "Even two of ye aren't enough to beat me!"

(To Kenneth) "Still want to take a shot at me accent, lad?"

(To Kageno) "Kukuku! Ye see how annoyin' it gets?!"

(To Lawrence) "Yer a disgrace to the revolver's good name!"

(To Nero) "Style's nothin' if you ain't got the skill to back it up."

(To Yasui) "Just another zombie that didn't stand a chance!"

(To Zip) "Sorry, I blinked, did ye just lose?"

(To Margaret) "I've killed plenty of zombies, but ghosts? That's a new one."
Lawrence Matryoshka:
Spoiler : Pre-battle :
(To Saburo Kirio) "It's about time you were taught your lesson, Kirio."

(To Karina Cloverfield) "My respect for you won't save you now."

(To Dexter West) "You...Your life must end today!"

(To Arkady Strutsnov) "Respect your superiors!"

(To Tath Ki) "Stop being such a pain in my side!"

(To Cormac Finnigan) "I commend you in your choice of guns...but that won't help you survive!"

(To Gerard Heifer) "You're about as threatening as a cow..."

(To Akira Kagekami) "You remind me of somebody I know. All the better to finish you off."

(To Glitch) "What sort of technology is this...?!"

(To Shawn Dissarea) "You are strong...but not strong enough!"

(To Rena Lanos) "A little girl? This hardly seems like a fair match."
Spoiler : Win :
(To Saburo) "I told you I'd be the one to kill you..."

(To Karina) "I'm sorry, but it's all part of the job."

(To Dexter) "And now, my may rest in peace."

(To Arkady) "Your strength just wasn't enough, my friend."

(To Tath) "Teach this lesson to your rebel friends, kid."

(To Cormac) "Think more, shoot less, kid. Remember that."

(To Gerard) "...And I see you have all the fighting skills as a cow, too."

(To Akira) "Find something to laugh at now!"

(To Glitch) "I don't care what you are, there was no way I'd let you defeat me!"

(To Shawn) "Put more thought into your next battle, brute."

(To Rena) "I underestimated you...though only slightly."
Spoiler : Rei Saito, Pre-battle quotes :
(To Kana) "So you've been fighting demons? What were they like?"

(To Kouhei) "I don't think I should have to fight my own brother to get him to join my Party, but I suppose this is the only way."

(To Kazooie) "You know, considering I didn't get a Game Over when I lost to you last time, I think you were meant to be unbeatable back then. It's different now."

(To Ewyn) "I think you're sort of like me. Everything thinks we're kind of crazy, but we're people too, right?"

(To Kageno) "Hm... I don't think I'll take the route where I can recruit you. You don't seem to be a valuable party member."

(To Rena) "I know what it's like to have my sibling disappear too. So I think we should be able to join forces later. You're still so young, so I'll try not to hurt you."

(To Kurt) "Did you reconsider cosplaying yet? No? I still have that red jacket from before... If I hurt you, then you can use it to disguise your wounds."

(To Maline) "I think I remember you. Weren't you in my party, once? I guess I have to re-recruit you."

(To Narome) "Huh... Is that some sort of advanced cosplay? Even I wouldn't go that far..."

(To Zip) "... You know, I realize people think I'm insane, but even I don't think someone as young as you should be fighting in this tournament."

(To Glitch) "So, are you supposed to be some sort of really powerful Bonus Boss?"
Spoiler : Rei Saito, Win Quotes :
(To Kana) "No matter what happens to you, I am still your big sister, okay? I'm still strong enough to protect you."

(To Kouhei) "There! Now you're an official member of my Party. You know, if I can get Kana to join us, we'd have all three siblings. I guess finding someone to fill in the fourth slot would be a lot harder though... Do you have any ideas?"

(To Kazooie) "I was right after all. I really do hate hopeless boss fights... But I guess since I'm strong enough to beat you now, it's okay."

(To Ewyn) "It was fun fighting against someone who thinks in a similar way that I do. Thank you."

(To Kageno) "Hm... I got some experience from you, but I think you're kind of worthless aside from that."

(To Rena) "I didn't hurt you too badly, did I? You seem like you can heal yourself, but I'll look after you a bit if you want."

(To Kurt) "There, now will you listen to me? It won't be that bad. If nothing else, the red jacket looks nice, right?"

(To Maline) "Okay, now you can join me again. What were we doing last time...?"

(To Narome) "So, how did you manage to get such a good cosplay anyway...?"

(To Zip) "You know, I have a sister who's almost the same age as you... Sorry for hurting you."

(To Glitch) "So, does this mean that I've completed everything in this game now?"
Spoiler : Karina, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Saburo) "Two tacticians in battle... I suppose there isn't a more fitting fight."

(To Lawrence) "I wonder if I can actually defeat you..."

(To Margaret Dawn) "You know, you remind me of someone I once knew."

(To Yuri) "Without thinking a battle through clearly, you're doomed to failure."

(To Kurt) "A knife, is it? They're useful to have, but it's safer to have a pistol with you."

(To Akira) "... Are you by any chance related to someone by the name of Saburo?"

(To Kageno) "You know, I've heard a few rumors about you. None of them are positive."

(To Jayneway) "Hm? How odd. You seem human, and your technology matches that of my world... Yet something tells me you aren't of this world."

(To Exa) "Are you one who has had their life affected by losing someone important to you? I can tell... I'm the same, after all."
Spoiler : Karina, Win Quotes :
(To Saburo) "Even if I won this battle, I sincerely hope we never have to truly be enemies."

(To Lawrence) "To tell you the truth, I have no love for battle. Hopefully this conflict will end one day..."

(To Margaret Dawn) "... Yes. I see it now. You remind me of myself, somehow."

(To Yuri) "It's almost frightening to think that someone could enjoy battle as much as you do."

(To Kurt) "I emerged victorious... I suppose I have my training to thank for that."

(To Akira) "Your fighting style... Hm... What could that have been?"

(To Kageno) "Maybe you should try to do something about your reputation..."

(To Jayneway) "This battle is over. Will you tell me about your world?"

(To Exa) "Emerging victorious against someone like you... That's surprising. Will you tell me your story?"
Spoiler : Kenneth, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Exa) "You know, your attitude is going to get you killed one day."

(To Narome) "Yeah, yeah, cry me a river. If you're done whining, let's fight."

(To Darken) "... Darken? Really? How does ANYONE take you seriously with that name? At least you seem kind of tough."

(To Drey) "So, you're a real, legitimate assassin? Can't say I'm impressed. I could probably do your job better."

(To Lamont) "Oh boy, another power-obsessed tyrant with issues. As if there weren't enough of those."

(To Alexis Lockswell) "I bet you think this will be another example of the so-called 'brave paladin' stopping the 'evil' villain, right? The world isn't black-and-white, you know."

(To Ewyn) "Someone who's not even willing to kill their opponent... What a pathetic excuse for an opponent."

(To Norman Jayden) "Oh? Am I under arrest? Even in the future, law-enforcement officers are all the same..."

(To Cormac) "Will you just shut up? Seriously, I'm not in the mood to decipher your terrible accent."

(To Dubsy) "Oh come on. This isn't fun at all. You're too easy to make fun of."

(To Eleanor) "Sorry to break this to you, but if you look like a child, speak like a child, and act like a child, then you're a child. Even if you say you're not."
Spoiler : Kenneth, Win Quotes :
(To Exa) "So, I just had to go completely crazy to beat you? Of course. Typical. Looks like the tables have turned."

(To Narome) "That should put an end to your whining. Seriously. I haven't lived a happy life either, but can you at least try to keep the angst to yourself?"

(To Darken) "So that was the strength of one of King Thereme's servants? I expected better."

(To Drey) "When you're done chasing after that idiotic Tondoe like a schoolgirl with a crush, how about actually training? You know, so I don't get bored when fighting you."

(To Lamont) "So a common thief beat a so-called Emperor. I think I'll leave you to ponder what a miserable failure you really are."

(To Alexis Lockswell) "No, really. Use your head. I KNOW you're smart enough, so why don't you ever actually think and realize the world isn't as simple as you believe it is?"

(To Ewyn) "... Don't waste my time unless you're actually being serious."

(To Norman Jayden) "What do you know? Officers are still weak in the future. I guess some things never change."

(To Cormac) "There, I've done the world a favor and made you shut up. Why don't we keep it that way?"

(To Dubsy) "Well then, now I can pretend none of this ever happened."

(To Eleanor) "Huh. How about that? You fight like a child, too."
Spoiler : Ewyn, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Minoru) "I feel like I haven't seen you in a long time. Were you trying to find some sort of hidden treasure?"

(To Thereme) "Even if a lot of people fear you, I see no reason to hate you. I don't think you can be completely evil..."

(To Alexis Lockswell) "It's nice to see you again, Miss Lockswell. How has your training been coming along?"

(To Kenneth) "Do you think that if you worked hard enough, you could even steal the sky?"

(To Cynder) "Too many people think that those who study dark magic are inherently evil, so I'm glad to see you're an exception."

(To Salfira) "Your magic seems interesting. I wonder... Have you ever tried listening to the 'voice' of your magic? Sometimes, I feel as though my own magic is whispering in my ear..."

(To Narome) "Even if you think you're a monster, you're not. You're a better person than you think you are."

(To Zachary) "Two people in one? Is this the result of some sort of magical experiment?"

(To Ryo) "... Looking at you makes me feel sad. You seem like you're suffering so much..."

(To Lorelei) "The Darkness can be both a good thing and a bad thing, just like the Light. It's up to you to decide what you truly are."

(To Glitch) "Being different doesn't make you a bad person, you know. As long as you don't hurt other people."

(To Nicholas) "You can read my mind? I'd like to see what the results are. ... Why do you look so confused?"

(To Rei) "A lot of people think both of us act strange just for the sake of it, right? But it's how we truly are, even if everyone else thinks it's probably silly. I'm glad to meet someone who I can relate to."
Spoiler : Ewyn, Win Quotes :
(To Minoru) "When I'm allowed to use my magic, it seems like I can beat you."

(To Thereme) "Even if I could kill you now, I wouldn't. I don't think killing you will solve anything... It will just cause more problems. I need to find a solution..."

(To Alexis Lockswell) "It seems like I won. I've been training hard too."

(To Kenneth) "... If you work hard enough, I think you can change your fate. That's all the advice I can offer you."

(To Cynder) "That style of fighting... Do you think you could teach me a bit about Necromancy later?"

(To Salfira) "Too many people try to 'use' magic. I think you need to become one with your own magic. That's how I was able to win this battle, at least."

(To Narome) "Don't worry, I won't turn you in for a bounty. I just wanted to see how a Tondoe fought. ... That was rather rude of me, I apologize."

(To Zachary) "It's interesting to see how two beings can be so well-synchronized. This wasn't an easy battle."

(To Ryo) "... Maybe there's still a way to save you."

(To Lorelei) "Now that this is over, please think about what I said."

(To Glitch) "I think your name is inaccurate. It implies that your existence needs to be corrected. I don't think that's true. Have you considered changing it? I'll help you, as an apology for defeating you."

(To Nicholas) "You seemed rather distracted during that battle... Are my thoughts that hard to read? Maybe it's due to my resistance against enemy magic."

(To Rei) "This battle was fun. Thank you."
Spoiler : Kokoro, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Akira) "Two servants of Light fighting against each other? This will be interesting..."

(To Heako) "You really shouldn't get into as many fights as you do."

(To Jean) "Jean... My apologies for not reviving you earlier."

(To Shiori) "This is a battle that I can't lose. I'm sorry. When this conflict is over, I'll be sure to revive you... Yet, will I even be allowed to do that?"

(To Saori) "Even if a lot of the others thought you were arrogant and annoying... I don't. I still consider you my friend, Saori."

(To Moshi) "You've been corrupted, it seems. Don't worry, I'll free you from your suffering... I wish I didn't have to do this. Forgive me."

(To Yasui) "Formerly, you were Faithful, correct? I have to wonder... Do you think it'd be possible for the Light and Shadow to get along?"

(To Harlan) "Even among those with similar ideals, there are differences that make them fight each other..."

(To Ryuji) "I don't know you very well, but you don't strike me as a bad person. I hope you can forgive me for this."

(To Yuzu) "Why does almost every action you take strike me as parody...?"

(To Taro) "You have the power of a Goddess...? Could it be...?"

(To Ryo) "For the world that I believe in, I have to do defeat you."

(To Kana) "A servant of the Shadow that also wants coexistence? No, not the Shadow... Something is different."
Spoiler : Kokoro, Win Quotes :
(To Akira) "... Because of me, no one will ever see that mischievous grin on your face ever again. I... I have to move on."

(To Heako) "I always thought that someone who got in as many fights as you did would get in trouble... But I wanted to prevent that. Instead, I killed you... Was this really the only way?"

(To Jean) "Even if this is a second death, that doesn't make this any more justified..."

(To Shiori) "... I... I... Is there nothing I can protect? I want a world where Light and Shadow can live in harmony, yet I'm killing my own friends to do it."

(To Saori) "... If we ever meet in the next world, I hope we can be friends. Forgive me for robbing you of your life."

(To Moshi) "... Even if you were possessed, you were still my friend."

(To Yasui) "I won't ever claim that I didn't have a choice. Yet for my dream, I chose to kill you, who had always supported me..."

(To Harlan) "To think that we were comrades just yesterday. Yet I don't hold it against you for sharing different ideals than I do. I feel like I'm forcing my own vision of the world on others..."

(To Ryuji) "Maybe I didn't know you that well, but I will remember to mourn you along with all the others."

(To Yuzu) "... Forgive me. What a terrible way this was to end your story..."

(To Taro) "I don't know what to think. Did I just slay Amaterasu? No, wait, I should make sure Sensei is alive. Sensei! Answer me!"

(To Ryo) "Your soul... I hope it has been put at rest."

(To Kana) "Even if Light prevailed this time, that doesn't mean it's necessarily stronger."
Spoiler : Akira Kagekami :
Vs. Saburo (Pre-Battle): "Hmph. Shut up, or I'll have to cut your throat."
Vs. Saburo (Victory): "Guess I get the last laugh. Hahahahaha!"

Vs. Atlantis (Pre-Battle): "Ooh, scary scythe! Wonder if you're any good with it, though?"
Vs. Atlantis (Victory): "I like your style. Want to help me out some time?"

Vs. Lucia (Pre-Battle): "Well, if I can't kill you... I guess I'll just have to stab you until I'm bored."
Vs. Lucia (Victory): "Hope I didn't just kill an immortal!"

Vs. Kokoro (Pre-Battle): "May I have this dance?"
Vs. Kokoro (Victory): "Hey, don't go out now! We've still got a Shadow to kill."

Vs. Yasui (Pre-Battle): "Interesting company you keep. Still, you shouldn't rely on others, you know."
Vs. Yasui (Victory): "Friends like that will only turn on you in the end. Gotta fight your own battles if you want to win."

Vs. Moshi (Pre-Battle): "...I wasn't expecting this... I'll put you out of your misery, okay?"
Vs. Moshi (Pre-Battle): "Ha... This is like a bad joke, or something..."

Vs. Saori (Pre-Battle): "I was planning to get around to this eventually, Faithful or not."
Vs. Saori (Victory): "Somehow, I'm not too heartbroken about this."

Vs. Shiori (Pre-Battle): "Ne, Shi-chan... We have to fight, don't we? Guess there's no other way..."
Vs. Shiori (Victory): "Hah... How funny. I almost..."

Vs. Heako (Pre-Battle): "Hey there! How's that leg doing, Mr. Genius?"
Vs. Heako (Victory): "Oh my. Hope I didn't cause that magnificent mind of yours any damage."

Vs. Jean (Pre-Battle): "Hey, can I cut your vocal chords? Right now?"
Vs. Jean (Victory): "By the way, Shi-chan isn't interested. Quit while you're ahead."

Vs. Norman (Pre-Battle): "Am I under arrest? Again?"
Vs. Norman (Victory): "There. Can I go now?"

Vs. Kurt (Pre-Battle): "...? Oh, sorry. I mistook you for someone else."
Vs. Kurt (Victory): "Why don't I take those off your hands for now? You won't be needing them, after all."

Vs. Karina (Pre-Battle): "Don't underestimate me, miss. I'm not an 'average' kid."
Vs. Karina (Victory): "Told you. I'm a soldier too, in a way."

Vs. Narome (Pre-Battle): "I've heard lots of things about you. Do you really think you can kill me, though?"
Vs. Narome (Victory): "Okay, so, I'll be taking one of those punctors. Only seems fair."

Vs. Zip Barren (Pre-Battle): "Sorry about last time. But if you're better now, then why don't we play a bit?"
Vs. Zip Barren (Victory): "Ahahaha! Pretty fun. Let's play again sometime."

Vs. Kageno (Pre-Battle): "...Didn't Sensei already blow you up?"
Vs. Kageno (Victory): "If you can't take the heat... Then stay away from the Sun Goddess."

Vs. Matryoshka (Pre-Battle): "I'll admit-- Didn't expect to meet a man from the future that uses a trident."
Vs. Matryoshka (Victory): "You know Saburo Kirio, don't you? I can tell from that look on your face."

Vs. Maline (Pre-Battle): "You? A genius? Forgive me if I'm not inclined to believe that."
Vs. Maline (Victory): "I've had better fights with Yasui."
Spoiler : Iris Robhu :
Mysa(Pre Battle) - "I've been to Hell and back, and I never heard of a loser like you."
(Win) - "Are all demons as weak as you?"
Trama(Pre Battle) - "I hope you've saved room for a knuckle sandwich."
(Win) - "Oh dear. Did I spoil your apetite?"
Payler(Pre Battle) - "Go back to playing in the sand before you get hurt, kid."
(Win) - "Maybe you should search for a way to get stronger instead, beach bum!"
Shiori(Pre Battle) - "I can't see your eyes behind those shades, but I hope there's fear in them."
(Win) - "Why don't you try brining yourself back from the dead, necromancer?"
Gwen(Pre Battle) - "I won't hold back, even against you!"
(Win) - "Hey, I didn't hurt you too bad did I?"
Christian(Pre Battle) - "You think you can take me without hiding behind your brother? How cute."
(Win) - "As I thought. All brains, no strength."
Shawn(Pre Battle) - "The bigger they are, the harder they fall"
(Win) - "You and Brains are worthless without each other, huh?"
Ceil(Pre Battle) - "Voyons qui est la fierté de la terre! (Let us see who is the pride of the land!)
(Win) - "Tres bien. Essayer davantage la prochaine fois. (Try harder next time)."
Alice(Pre Battle) - "Ready to go deeper into the rabbit hole?" (getyourmindoutofthegutteryoupervs)
(Win) - "I guess you decided to take the blue pill."
Leonard(Pre Battle) - "Well, you look a little weak. Let me put you out of your misery."
(Win) - "The pain will go away...eventually. Fufufu..."
Guy(Pre Battle) - "You worst fear is about to become a reality."
(Win) - "Girls are pretty scary, aren't they?"
Nathan(Pre Battle) - "You seem so...familiar."
(Win) - "I guess blondes don't have more fun."
Spoiler : Trama Salamander :
Mysa(Pre Battle) - "I've been fighting zombies for months! A demon doesn't scare me!"
(Win) - "Any other things from Hell want to wreck me life?! Be my guest!"
Iris(Pre Battle) - "If I win, you gotta take me to France!"
(Win) - "C'mon, please? I need to get out of this state!"
Payler(Pre Battle) - "Those gaunlets! What an amazing invention!"
(Win) - "Hmph. Clearly your gaunlets have a few kinks in them. If only I had build them!"
Shiori(Pre Battle) - "So, I heard you like bringing people back from the dead..."
(Win) - "Of course, these are TECHNICALLY zombies, but I won't let you create real ones anymore!"
Cormac(Pre Battle) - "Time to revenge the death of my last popsicles!"
(Win) - "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you! Never touch my popsicles!"
Miss Ellie(Pre Battle) - "If I win, tonight's dessert is sea-salt ice cream! Deal?"
(Win) - "Uh, are you OK? Um, one blink for yes..."
Mark(Pre Battle) - "I'm more than just a pretty face, y'know!
(Win) - "I need a man in my life, not a boy."
Margaret(Pre Battle) - "It's the dawn of a new beating!"
(Win) - "Mind keeping your brother on a leash?"
Markess(Pre Battle) - "Ha! You think you can beat me with that primative thing?"
(Win) - "Ah, the power of progress! I hope I've convinced you to get rid of that thing! Donate it to an archery club or something!"
Spoiler : Onic, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Porcus) "Mmm... smells like bacon!"

(To Heako Carde) "Time to die, Cayley!"

(To Shadow) "Hey, is that a kid's bike?"

(To Vegeta) "Hey bro! Let's see which sword's the strongest!"

(To Dubsy) "... The hell? Looks like some kinda winegum..."

(To Vincent Bodrovi) "Look, I haven't seen your boyfriend, okay? Out of my face."

(To Merrik) "Haha. Nice hoverbike, loser."

(To Spider-Man) "You won't make a fool of me again."

(To Leon Oscar) "You look irritable. That date with Hellen didn't go too well, huh?"

(To Ryo) "Ugh. My throat tingles just looking at you..."
Spoiler : Onic, Win Quotes :
(To Porcus) "Don't you disrespect my friend again, punk."

(To Heako Carde) "Sorry, Aven. Didn't mean to step outta line there."

(To Shadow) "What a rip-off.."

(To Vegeta) "Aw man, you broke my Soul Edge!"

(To Dubsy) "Watch as I squish the last squeak from your annoying face, worm."

(To Vincent Bodrovi) "*pant* ... *pant* ... I thought you were meant to be calm and collected...!"

(To Merrik) "How's that for perfection?"

(To Spider-Man) "Hahahahaha! Looks like your luck ran out this time, dolt!"

(To Leon Oscar) "There. These new pains can replace the old!"

(To Ryo) "Even I think you're a nutcase."
Spoiler : Dubsy Pre-Battle Quotes :
Norman Jayden: Maybe I can beat the friendship and alliance into you?
James Wildifire: Kaitou kid! Phantom Thief! Can I get your autograph~?
Glitch: Glitch. I've hunted you down. You are evil anbd you were never meant to be. I'm going to go kill you now, okay?
Mordik: You're strategy involves confuzzling people...Copycat.
Wild: Wild? Weird name. Get one that's easier to remember like Dubsy or...Something.
Samuel Fields: You know why you're not very happy? Because you're smart and sane. Let me show you the joy of insanity~!
Kageno Kumori: What?! Kururu?! When did you escape CC?! I'm going to have to make you go back now. That's my next 10 minutes wasted.
Drey Wilkins: YOU'RE THE A**HOLE MEANIE FACE JERK WHO MADE FUN OF ME! Ha! Well...I'm going to deal out some full. With a 25% interest because the Bank of Dubsy has fantastic rates on PAYBACK!!!
Narome: You kill people to live?! What kind of... Never mind, I'll just kill you and we can all go off and eat burgers. Except you. Because you'll be dead.
Onic: I approved Sonics entry, not you. Go back to dying, you freak.
Vivviene Marie/Marcus deFrenza: Topaz loves the name deFrenza, huh? Can't blame him, though. De.Freeen. Zaaaaa. See?
Generic/Wilson Nakota: TWEWY character? But I didn't put you in CC...
Porcus: PIGGY! Want some ham?
Kazooie: Hey! Hey, Kazooie! Hey! Hey! Remember CC?! Wasn't that great fun? No...Well I guess I'll have to fix that.
Zip Barren: Does that pepper spray taste good on chicken?
Maline DeSiren: It's the head booter! Today you'll realise the great power of the hero of Crossover Central...'s foot against your face.
Kurt Miera: You remind me of this guy... He's all angry and grumpy but really he's a good guy too. Of course, he's not as weirdly tough and he knows that guns will do waaay more damage in a fight.
Rei Saito: You seem like a nice person... We'll both go easy on eachother, 'kay?
Mark Dawn: Ooh! We should be friends! We're both idiot heroes and we both like food! Want some chicken?
Kana Saito: You don't look evil, but it seems like you've been infected by a darkness virus. Have you been opening unamed emails?
Taro Tanshin: Taro...Magic cards and potatoes. Which one are you?
Ryo Tanshin: You let evil turn you crazy and demonic. I know that feel, bro. Okay, now I'm going to kill you, 'kay?
Moshi Maida: Moshi...Moshi...Moooooshi. That's a weird name, huh?
Spoiler : Dubsy Win Quotes :
Norman Jayden: Oops. I'm sorry...Friendsies?
James Wildifire: I beat Kaitou Kid!
Glitch: Evil must be deleted! Now you've gotten your punishment.
Mordik: Hey! Confuzzling people is my job! That's what happens when you copy me.
Wild: A good game of friendly sparring~! Want some donuts?
Samuel Fields: Logic and code is stupid. Be stupid! Be insane! It's a lot more fun!
Kageno Kumori: Kururu! Now that you're defeated, go back to CC.
Drey Wilkins: I HATE YOU!! DIE! DIE!! DIE!!! Meanie.
Narome: If you've got menace in your name you're obviously evil. That's why you had to die.
Onic: Now you and Wilfre can go party together in evil guy hell~!
Vivviene Marie/Marcus deFrenza: Hey~! Topaz entered both of the deFrenza's! Now there's only one left, though...
Generic/Wilson Nakota: You know, I'm starting to wonder whether you really are a TWEWY character after all....
Porcus: Lets go eat bacon together!~ I'm hungry!
Kazooie: Do you remember me now? They say that a good hit in the head cures amnesia.
Zip Barren: Selfish. Sadistic. Greedy. That means you're deleted!
Maline DeSiren: *Boots her in the head* Now we're even!
Kurt Miera: Hey~! I won~! Want to be friends?
Rei Saito: Aww...It's okay! Just refresh and use a walkthrough!
Mark Dawn: Idiot heroes unite! We should join together to fight evil! Popcorn?
Kana Saito: I'm sorry but you were infected by a demon virus. That's why I had to debug you.
Taro Tanshin: Are you a potato? Because I'm going to eat you now~!
Ryo Tanshin: Infected file found. Deleted!!!
Moshi Maida: We both have an evil side, but at least I'm normally a good guy!
Spoiler : Kageno Pre Battle :
Onic: Well, this is going to be easy. It's that guy who's never one a single fight. Kukuku...
James Wildfire: Kukuku...Let me guess, DLA made you? He can't make an original character to save his life can he? Kuku...
Taro: Oh, hey there Mr. Woman. What's it like knowing your brother's a raging psychopath? Kukukuku....
Drey: Aww man...It's Mr. I-cheat-and-never-get-hit-by-anything Wilkins. Kukuku...Isn't it sad that your creator has to respond to cheating for you to win? Kukuku..
Wild: Wild? Kukuku...Oh man, I'm going to have a field day with that name. Kuku...
Samuel Fields: Kukuku...You call yourself logical? Ku! I call you a feeak who thinks he's smart. Why don't you see some real me? Kukuku...
Dubsy: Kukuku...Oh look, it's the purple freak with schizophrenia. If you're going to snap and turn into what's his face Dubsy, don't cry like a little baby after. Kukuku
Kageno Kumori: My cloning machine must have broken again. Ku..Ku...
Narome: Kukuku...Oh look, it's Mr. Depressio. If you're so depressed and angsty...have you tried killing yourself? Kukuku...
Young Glitch: Hey, it's the big bad of CC. What exactly have you done there again that makes you a big bad? Kuku
Vivienne Marie deFrenza: Aww...I finally face a chick and she's....this. Ku...
Zachary Generic, Wilson Nakota: Hey Wilson, hey Zachary. What's it like living inside eachother? Kukuku...Oops, I didn't mean to imply anything like that..Kuku..
Porcus: Maybe I'll give it a rest on the bacon jokes since everyone else is doing them. Hmm...From now on your stupid, boring fatty. SBF for short, okay? Kukuku...
Kazooie: You know, if you aren't the Kazooie from CC, why the hell are you here?
Kurt Meira: Hey, I heard you had a sexy sister. Where are you hiding her? Kuku...
Zip Barren: Pfft...Please. Nothing can keep away the advances of Kageno Kumori.
Vincent Colren: Stupid AND sensitive. Why don't we add in useless, as well? Kuku
Norman Jayden: Nah-man? Kukuku...Aw man, I'm facing the one detective in Heavy Rain who truly, completely sucks at his job. You know you're the only character who doesn't have a single happy ending, right? Kuku...
Maline Desiren: Hey, you're smart, right? Well, I'm smart too! See were already hitting it off fine!
Rei/Kana Saito: You ladies like Mahjong? I've never lost a game. Who's up for a game of strip Mahjong?
Mark Dawn:An idiot otaku. Pfft...You've got nothing going for you. Why don't you just sit there and let me kick your ass? Kukuku...
Ryo Tanshin: Ooh~ Mr. Darkness Detective. Why don't we team up? You've got brawn but there sure isn't a brain in that screwed up head of yours. Kukuku...
Markus DeFrenza: Kuku...Hey, I heard you had a sister....Kukuku...If I beat you you've got to set us up together. Kuku..
Moshi Maida: Has anyone told you how stupid the name Moshi is? Kukuku...Oh yeah, RotS is never going to revive. Just accept that you're never going to be worth anything. Kukuku...
Cormac Finnigan: Wow! Even I want you to shut up. You're accent's bad and it probably offends every real Irish person. Kukuku...Besides, your gun is tiny compared to mine. Why do you even think you stand a chance? Don't answer! You're accent makes me want to hurl. Kukuku...
Spoiler : Kageno Win Quotes :
Onic: "Kukuku...I guess ripoffs are never as strong as the original's, huh?
James Wildfire: "Kukukukuku~ Oh, hey, look it's another one of DLA's overly generic, ripoffs in a tophat~! At least you get the honour of dying to someone better than you.'
Taro: "Potatoes, potatoes, the he-she teacher~! This is how this match was supposed to go~!"
Drey: "I guess your owner finally decided to stop dodging every single freaking thing, huh? Kukuku..."
Wild: "Wild?! What the hell kind of name is that?! Is your creator some five year old trying to look cool~? Kukuku..."
Samuel Fields: "Kukuku...So, what does your logic say about me now?"
Dubsy: "Kukuku...Do I need to say it? Everyone hates you and your a disgrace to your creator. Shut up, Enigma."
Kageno Kumori: "The real Kageno is the best Kageno, as always. Kukuku..."
Narome: "Maybe if you'd stopped being an angsty emo for a second you'd have had, like, a 20% chance of winning. Kukuku..."
Young Glitch: "Have fun being in empty, eternal death~! Kukuku..."
Vivienne Marie deFrenza: "Pfft...You're just a brat. When you're older and hotter, come see me then. Kukuku..."
Zachary Generic/ Wilson Nakota: "Double the loser, double the suck~! Kukuku...Schizoid morons."
Porcus: "Hey, fatty~! Kukuku...You know why I won? Because I'm not a boring dumbass with like only one move set on repeat."
Kazooie: "Kukuku..You may not remember this, but you had your ass kicked in Crossover Central. I was recreating that for you. Kuku...You're welcome."
Kurt Meira: "Now that that's done, where's your hot sister? Kukuku..."
Zip Barren: "That pepper spray won't keep me away~! Kukuku..."
Vincent Colren: "Aww...Is the sensitive, weak minded little baby going to cry now? Kukuku...Don't worry, I'll buy you a kitty to make you feel better. Ku ku..."
Norman Jayden: "Agent Nah-man Jayden~ Kukuku...You're gonna' have to get off the triptocaine if you want to stand against me. Kukuku...."
Maline Desiren: "Pfft...You're profile says your smart, so why not go with a man who's smart, sexy and can whoop your butt in battle. Kuku...Like me~!"
Rei/Kana Saito: "Hey, baby. Kukuku...You up for a game of strip mahjong, now?"
Mark Dawn: "Maybe if you got out of your house and stopped googling maids once in a while. Kukuku...Kindness is overrated, stupid otaku."
Ryo Tanshin: "I like your style, why don't you come and join the best of the best, hm~? Kukuku..."
Markus DeFrenza: "Kuku...So, this sister of yours...Is she hot? Kuku...Maybe we should all get together for coffee some time."
Moshi Maida: "Why are you even here? Kuku...You never got to be used, your RP's dead and now so are you."
Cormac Finnigan: Aye, laddy's, I'm an irish lad, ya lasses. See how annoyingly stupid that is? Kukuku
Master Of Chaos:
Spoiler : Kurt Miera Pre-Battle :
(To Kageno Kumori) Your unwanted attention of my sister stops NOW! Let's see if you have a bullet that can stop me from cutting out your vocal chords!

(To Maline Desiren) We're going to fight again? Don't you think I have better things to do?

(To Rei Saito) For the last time....I'm not interested in cosplaying as Archer. Why do you keep insisting on it?

(To Alexis Miera) Fight me like I'm going to kill you. Don't hold back, sis. I can't always help you.

(To Shawn Dissarea) Guess I don't have much of a choice here.

(To Alice Roland) I'm not mad that you left us in the prison cell, by the way.

(To Gwendoline Mercier) Not sure what it is....But there's something about you that I really don't like.

(To Akira Kagekami) Another knife wielding weirdo. How wonderful.

(To Albert Wesker) We'll see if woman still think you're attractive after I cover your body with two dozen switchblades.

(To Yasui Yuko) ....So this is going to be....3rd or 4th time you've been killed?

(To Saori Saikyou) Are you still upset about me throwing a switchblade into your shoulder?...Can't I just have one day to relax?

(To Ryo Tanshin) Going to kill me? Good luck.

(To Drey Wilkins) Could you leave me alone? I don't feel like cleaning up blood from my jacket and switchblades.

(To Mordik von Lihyberg) Even I'm disgusted with what you did in the Tourney. Usually I couldn't be bothered to care.

(To Norman Jayden) What did I do!? Why does every cop everywhere have to arrest me all the time as a murder suspect!?

(To Kana Saito) Your sister's worried about you, you know.....

(To Exus) I'm not sure what you want, but you're in the way.

(To Parsee) You remind me of my sister. If she was a complete b**ch.
Spoiler : Kurt Miera Win quotes :
(To Kageno) I think I'll leave you there, bleeding on the ground. Hope you can preform first aid on yourself without any equipment.

(To Maline) There. Can we please stop now?

(To Rei) It doesn't matter how many times I win, you'll keep bugging me about the coat, won't you?

(To Alexis) I can't always be there to protect you....But I'll try to be there anyways. That's what big brothers do, I guess.

(To Kokoro Ito) So you're going to kill everyone you care about so that you can have the world change to the way you think is best? And you think it's worth it?.....Does that really sound like a world worth living in?

(To Shaun) Is brute strength all you have? I could have killed you several times before if I wanted to. All because you rely on your fists and nothing else. Well, it's over, so it doesn't matter to me.

(To Alice) .....Ok, maybe I was a little bit angry at first, but it's fine.

(To Gwen) Even after that....I still can't figure out why I dislike you. Oh well, it doesn't bother me much anyway.

(To Akira) One knife vs all my switchblades. What did you think would happen?

(To Wesker) I don't care why your doing all this. But as your scheme results in our deaths, I guess I can't let you live.

(To Yasui) You have some awful luck, no denying it. Have you tried good luck charms?

(To Saori) I've never gotten along with rich kids, but you are by far the most annoying one yet.

(To Ryo) I'm not a homicidal maniac, but the thought of slashing your throat...Well, I'm not opposed to it.

(To Drey Wilkins) "I'm a crappy assassin" would have been more accurate to describe you. See ya around.

(To Mordik von Lihyberg) I wonder how the police back home will think of what you did?

(To Norman Jayden) Sorry about that. I don't think I hit you fatally though.

(To Kana Saito) Your sister's always going to worry about you, it's the same with me and Alexis. It's the older sibling's job to protect the younger one. Do me a favor, and give your sister a reason not to worry.

(To Exus) ......Who the hell was that guy?

(To Parsee) Get over yourself.
Have fun.
Last edited by Master Of Chaos on Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:14 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by ShadowEdgeworth »

Here's SPIDEYS! :D
Spoiler : Pre Battle Quotes - Spider-Man :
(To Shadow) "Guess I'll have to show you the ultimate power that only a human can muster."

(To Onic) "This is for the one you killed. Sonic the Hedgehog."

(To Vegeta) "Child-murderer, arrogant killer, and all-round terrible prince. Let's get this overwith!"


(To Merrik) "Your perfection quest is misguided, Calvia. Turn back now and use your abilities to save innocent lives! Not take them away at will!"

(To Kageno) "Like that Dubsy guy, WHY DO YOU EXIST?!"

(To Ryo) "Hmm...This is going to be fun. Catch me if you can."

(To Exa) "I'll knock the stuck-up right out of you."

(To Narome) "I'm sorry, but I can't let you hurt anyone else. This is the end of the line, pal."

(To Darken) "Evil isn't the best place for you. Have you considered a career in accounting?"

(To Drey) "Assassins... At least you don't talk as much as that other guy. *shudder*"

(To Lamont) "I happen to like dogs, ya know."

(To Ewyn) "Here we go. Ready? 'Cause I am. Raise that sword and come at me bro!"

(To Norman Jayden) "Sorry, Norman. But you've sunk to far low for me to save."

(To Albert Wesker) "Time to finish this Albert. Just you and me... For the fate of mankind."
Spoiler : Spider-Man WIN Quotes :
(To Shadow) "Told ya. You just got Chaos Owned!"

(To Vegeta) "Sorry for knocking your block off, your royal idiocy."

(To Dubsy) "Finally! Jeez, I was beginning to think you'd never shut up."

(To Merrik) "Your ancestors' must be ashamed!"

(To Kageno) "Good, and stay down and count the f***s I don't give about you."*

(To Ryo) "You put up a good fight. Maybe Fury'll give you a job."

(To Exa) "And there goes the stuck-up, flying away!

(To Narome) "Sorry. But I had no choice."

(To Darken) "That accounting job would really, really suit you. Think about it!"

(To Drey) "Maybe there's a creed out there for you. Ciao, pal."

(To Lamont) "That's for all the dogs out there, you sick freak."

(To Ewyn) "Not bad, but just not that good in the end. Sorry about the beatdown."

(To Norman Jayden) "I'm sorry, Norman. Maybe this'll help you on your road to rehabilitation. Please."

(To Albert Wesker) "At the end of the day, Albert, both of us have great power... but only one of us chooses to use it responsibly. And that's why myself, and the innocent, so-called "weak" members of the human race will always be stronger than you."

* Obligatory 60s Spidey meme reference is obligatory

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Winner of the Golden Star Award 2010!
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Currently RPing as The Doctor, Shadow The Hedgehog, and Spider-Man in Dimensional Chaos!
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by gotMLK7 »

Here's my two:
Cormac Finnigan:
Spoiler : Pre-battle :
(To Mark Dawn) "Never bring a sword to a gun-fight!"

(To Markess Holloway) "Well, well, well, if it ain't Mark 2!"

(Elaine Royce) "Ye sure about this, Miss Ellie? I ain't goin' easy."

(To Trama Salamander) "This won't end well for ye, Miss Salamander!"

(To Kazooie) "...Yep, I'm fightin' a d*mn bird. I must be dreamin' here."

(To Zakson) "Quit talkin' to yerself and fight me already!"

(To Kenneth Roymond) "Geez, no need to be such a buzzkill, ya grump."

(To Kageno Kumori) "Will you please just shut yer trap already?!"

(To Lawrence Matryoshka) "Nice gun. Let's see if ye've got any skills with it!"

(To Nero) "Lookin' stylish there, lad!"

(To Yasui Yuko) "...Wait, didn't ye die?"

(To Zip Barren) "This shouldn't take long at all."

(To Margaret Almabeelle) "Yer dead! Wait..."
Spoiler : Win :
(To Mark) "You gotta practice if ye want to catch up!"

(To Markess) "I'm the leader of this group, buddy!"

(To Elaine) "Sorry, but hey, I did warn ya..."

(To Trama) "Don't ye have a weddin' to get to or somethin', lass?"

(To Kazooie) "Looks like I'm eatin' chicken wings tonight!"

(To Zakson) "Even two of ye aren't enough to beat me!"

(To Kenneth) "Still want to take a shot at me accent, lad?"

(To Kageno) "Kukuku! Ye see how annoyin' it gets?!"

(To Lawrence) "Yer a disgrace to the revolver's good name!"

(To Nero) "Style's nothin' if you ain't got the skill to back it up."

(To Yasui) "Just another zombie that didn't stand a chance!"

(To Zip) "Sorry, I blinked, did ye just lose?"

(To Margaret) "I've killed plenty of zombies, but ghosts? That's a new one."
Lawrence Matryoshka:
Spoiler : Pre-battle :
(To Saburo Kirio) "It's about time you were taught your lesson, Kirio."

(To Karina Cloverfield) "My respect for you won't save you now."

(To Dexter West) "You...Your life must end today!"

(To Arkady Strutsnov) "Respect your superiors!"

(To Tath Ki) "Stop being such a pain in my side!"

(To Cormac Finnigan) "I commend you in your choice of guns...but that won't help you survive!"

(To Gerard Heifer) "You're about as threatening as a cow..."

(To Akira Kagekami) "You remind me of somebody I know. All the better to finish you off."

(To Glitch) "What sort of technology is this...?!"

(To Shawn Dissarea) "You are strong...but not strong enough!"

(To Rena Lanos) "A little girl? This hardly seems like a fair match."
Spoiler : Win :
(To Saburo) "I told you I'd be the one to kill you..."

(To Karina) "I'm sorry, but it's all part of the job."

(To Dexter) "And now, my may rest in peace."

(To Arkady) "Your strength just wasn't enough, my friend."

(To Tath) "Teach this lesson to your rebel friends, kid."

(To Cormac) "Think more, shoot less, kid. Remember that."

(To Gerard) "...And I see you have all the fighting skills as a cow, too."

(To Akira) "Find something to laugh at now!"

(To Glitch) "I don't care what you are, there was no way I'd let you defeat me!"

(To Shawn) "Put more thought into your next battle, brute."

(To Rena) "I underestimated you...though only slightly."
Hersh/Fiendy has credit for the amazing GiGi pics and enigma has credit for the adorable Kenshin Mega Man sprite!

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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by Master Of Chaos »

Writer. Roleplayer. Fighting Game Enthusiast. Professional Scumbag/Troll.
ShadowEdgeworth is my partner in crime. GuardianDreamer-san is my bestest buddy ever just ignore that conveniently hidden knife. Ami is the ultimate and most cuddly Senpai. And Patchu is my wife. I HAVE LEGAL PROOF!

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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by GuardianDreamer »

Here's mine. Kana is soon to follow. I also want to do quotes for the Dawn Siblings, Agnes, and maybe even Antoinette.
Spoiler : Rei Saito, Pre-battle quotes :
(To Kana) "So you've been fighting demons? What were they like?"

(To Kouhei) "I don't think I should have to fight my own brother to get him to join my Party, but I suppose this is the only way."

(To Kazooie) "You know, considering I didn't get a Game Over when I lost to you last time, I think you were meant to be unbeatable back then. It's different now."

(To Ewyn) "I think you're sort of like me. Everything thinks we're kind of crazy, but we're people too, right?"

(To Kageno) "Hm... I don't think I'll take the route where I can recruit you. You don't seem to be a valuable party member."

(To Rena) "I know what it's like to have my sibling disappear too. So I think we should be able to join forces later. You're still so young, so I'll try not to hurt you."

(To Kurt) "Did you reconsider cosplaying yet? No? I still have that red jacket from before... If I hurt you, then you can use it to disguise your wounds."

(To Maline) "I think I remember you. Weren't you in my party, once? I guess I have to re-recruit you."

(To Narome) "Huh... Is that some sort of advanced cosplay? Even I wouldn't go that far..."

(To Zip) "... You know, I realize people think I'm insane, but even I don't think someone as young as you should be fighting in this tournament."

(To Glitch) "So, are you supposed to be some sort of really powerful Bonus Boss?"
Spoiler : Rei Saito, Win Quotes :
(To Kana) "No matter what happens to you, I am still your big sister, okay? I'm still strong enough to protect you."

(To Kouhei) "There! Now you're an official member of my Party. You know, if I can get Kana to join us, we'd have all three siblings. I guess finding someone to fill in the fourth slot would be a lot harder though... Do you have any ideas?"

(To Kazooie) "I was right after all. I really do hate hopeless boss fights... But I guess since I'm strong enough to beat you now, it's okay."

(To Ewyn) "It was fun fighting against someone who thinks in a similar way that I do. Thank you."

(To Kageno) "Hm... I got some experience from you, but I think you're kind of worthless aside from that."

(To Rena) "I didn't hurt you too badly, did I? You seem like you can heal yourself, but I'll look after you a bit if you want."

(To Kurt) "There, now will you listen to me? It won't be that bad. If nothing else, the red jacket looks nice, right?"

(To Maline) "Okay, now you can join me again. What were we doing last time...?"

(To Narome) "So, how did you manage to get such a good cosplay anyway...?"

(To Zip) "You know, I have a sister who's almost the same age as you... Sorry for hurting you."

(To Glitch) "So, does this mean that I've completed everything in this game now?"
Spoiler : Karina, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Saburo) "Two tacticians in battle... I suppose there isn't a more fitting fight."

(To Lawrence) "I wonder if I can actually defeat you..."

(To Margaret Dawn) "You know, you remind me of someone I once knew."

(To Yuri) "Without thinking a battle through clearly, you're doomed to failure."

(To Kurt) "A knife, is it? They're useful to have, but it's safer to have a pistol with you."

(To Akira) "... Are you by any chance related to someone by the name of Saburo?"

(To Kageno) "You know, I've heard a few rumors about you. None of them are positive."

(To Jayneway) "Hm? How odd. You seem human, and your technology matches that of my world... Yet something tells me you aren't of this world."

(To Exa) "Are you one who has had their life affected by losing someone important to you? I can tell... I'm the same, after all."
Spoiler : Karina, Win Quotes :
(To Saburo) "Even if I won this battle, I sincerely hope we never have to truly be enemies."

(To Lawrence) "To tell you the truth, I have no love for battle. Hopefully this conflict will end one day..."

(To Margaret Dawn) "... Yes. I see it now. You remind me of myself, somehow."

(To Yuri) "It's almost frightening to think that someone could enjoy battle as much as you do."

(To Kurt) "I emerged victorious... I suppose I have my training to thank for that."

(To Akira) "Your fighting style... Hm... What could that have been?"

(To Kageno) "Maybe you should try to do something about your reputation..."

(To Jayneway) "This battle is over. Will you tell me about your world?"

(To Exa) "Emerging victorious against someone like you... That's surprising. Will you tell me your story?"
Spoiler : Kenneth, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Exa) "You know, your attitude is going to get you killed one day."

(To Narome) "Yeah, yeah, cry me a river. If you're done whining, let's fight."

(To Darken) "... Darken? Really? How does ANYONE take you seriously with that name? At least you seem kind of tough."

(To Drey) "So, you're a real, legitimate assassin? Can't say I'm impressed. I could probably do your job better."

(To Lamont) "Oh boy, another power-obsessed tyrant with issues. As if there weren't enough of those."

(To Alexis Lockswell) "I bet you think this will be another example of the so-called 'brave paladin' stopping the 'evil' villain, right? The world isn't black-and-white, you know."

(To Ewyn) "Someone who's not even willing to kill their opponent... What a pathetic excuse for an opponent."

(To Norman Jayden) "Oh? Am I under arrest? Even in the future, law-enforcement officers are all the same..."

(To Cormac) "Will you just shut up? Seriously, I'm not in the mood to decipher your terrible accent."

(To Dubsy) "Oh come on. This isn't fun at all. You're too easy to make fun of."

(To Eleanor) "Sorry to break this to you, but if you look like a child, speak like a child, and act like a child, then you're a child. Even if you say you're not."
Spoiler : Kenneth, Win Quotes :
(To Exa) "So, I just had to go completely crazy to beat you? Of course. Typical. Looks like the tables have turned."

(To Narome) "That should put an end to your whining. Seriously. I haven't lived a happy life either, but can you at least try to keep the angst to yourself?"

(To Darken) "So that was the strength of one of King Thereme's servants? I expected better."

(To Drey) "When you're done chasing after that idiotic Tondoe like a schoolgirl with a crush, how about actually training? You know, so I don't get bored when fighting you."

(To Lamont) "So a common thief beat a so-called Emperor. I think I'll leave you to ponder what a miserable failure you really are."

(To Alexis Lockswell) "No, really. Use your head. I KNOW you're smart enough, so why don't you ever actually think and realize the world isn't as simple as you believe it is?"

(To Ewyn) "... Don't waste my time unless you're actually being serious."

(To Norman Jayden) "What do you know? Officers are still weak in the future. I guess some things never change."

(To Cormac) "There, I've done the world a favor and made you shut up. Why don't we keep it that way?"

(To Dubsy) "Well then, now I can pretend none of this ever happened."

(To Eleanor) "Huh. How about that? You fight like a child, too."
Spoiler : Ewyn, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Minoru) "I feel like I haven't seen you in a long time. Were you trying to find some sort of hidden treasure?"

(To Thereme) "Even if a lot of people fear you, I see no reason to hate you. I don't think you can be completely evil..."

(To Alexis Lockswell) "It's nice to see you again, Miss Lockswell. How has your training been coming along?"

(To Kenneth) "Do you think that if you worked hard enough, you could even steal the sky?"

(To Cynder) "Too many people think that those who study dark magic are inherently evil, so I'm glad to see you're an exception."

(To Salfira) "Your magic seems interesting. I wonder... Have you ever tried listening to the 'voice' of your magic? Sometimes, I feel as though my own magic is whispering in my ear..."

(To Narome) "Even if you think you're a monster, you're not. You're a better person than you think you are."

(To Zachary) "Two people in one? Is this the result of some sort of magical experiment?"

(To Ryo) "... Looking at you makes me feel sad. You seem like you're suffering so much..."

(To Lorelei) "The Darkness can be both a good thing and a bad thing, just like the Light. It's up to you to decide what you truly are."

(To Glitch) "Being different doesn't make you a bad person, you know. As long as you don't hurt other people."

(To Nicholas) "You can read my mind? I'd like to see what the results are. ... Why do you look so confused?"

(To Rei) "A lot of people think both of us act strange just for the sake of it, right? But it's how we truly are, even if everyone else thinks it's probably silly. I'm glad to meet someone who I can relate to."
Spoiler : Ewyn, Win Quotes :
(To Minoru) "When I'm allowed to use my magic, it seems like I can beat you."

(To Thereme) "Even if I could kill you now, I wouldn't. I don't think killing you will solve anything... It will just cause more problems. I need to find a solution..."

(To Alexis Lockswell) "It seems like I won. I've been training hard too."

(To Kenneth) "... If you work hard enough, I think you can change your fate. That's all the advice I can offer you."

(To Cynder) "That style of fighting... Do you think you could teach me a bit about Necromancy later?"

(To Salfira) "Too many people try to 'use' magic. I think you need to become one with your own magic. That's how I was able to win this battle, at least."

(To Narome) "Don't worry, I won't turn you in for a bounty. I just wanted to see how a Tondoe fought. ... That was rather rude of me, I apologize."

(To Zachary) "It's interesting to see how two beings can be so well-synchronized. This wasn't an easy battle."

(To Ryo) "... Maybe there's still a way to save you."

(To Lorelei) "Now that this is over, please think about what I said."

(To Glitch) "I think your name is inaccurate. It implies that your existence needs to be corrected. I don't think that's true. Have you considered changing it? I'll help you, as an apology for defeating you."

(To Nicholas) "You seemed rather distracted during that battle... Are my thoughts that hard to read? Maybe it's due to my resistance against enemy magic."

(To Rei) "This battle was fun. Thank you."
Spoiler : Kokoro, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Akira) "Two servants of Light fighting against each other? This will be interesting..."

(To Heako) "You really shouldn't get into as many fights as you do."

(To Jean) "Jean... My apologies for not reviving you earlier."

(To Shiori) "This is a battle that I can't lose. I'm sorry. When this conflict is over, I'll be sure to revive you... Yet, will I even be allowed to do that?"

(To Saori) "Even if a lot of the others thought you were arrogant and annoying... I don't. I still consider you my friend, Saori."

(To Moshi) "You've been corrupted, it seems. Don't worry, I'll free you from your suffering... I wish I didn't have to do this. Forgive me."

(To Yasui) "Formerly, you were Faithful, correct? I have to wonder... Do you think it'd be possible for the Light and Shadow to get along?"

(To Harlan) "Even among those with similar ideals, there are differences that make them fight each other..."

(To Ryuji) "I don't know you very well, but you don't strike me as a bad person. I hope you can forgive me for this."

(To Yuzu) "Why does almost every action you take strike me as parody...?"

(To Taro) "You have the power of a Goddess...? Could it be...?"

(To Ryo) "For the world that I believe in, I have to do defeat you."

(To Kana) "A servant of the Shadow that also wants coexistence? No, not the Shadow... Something is different."
Spoiler : Kokoro, Win Quotes :
(To Akira) "... Because of me, no one will ever see that mischievous grin on your face ever again. I... I have to move on."

(To Heako) "I always thought that someone who got in as many fights as you did would get in trouble... But I wanted to prevent that. Instead, I killed you... Was this really the only way?"

(To Jean) "Even if this is a second death, that doesn't make this any more justified..."

(To Shiori) "... I... I... Is there nothing I can protect? I want a world where Light and Shadow can live in harmony, yet I'm killing my own friends to do it."

(To Saori) "... If we ever meet in the next world, I hope we can be friends. Forgive me for robbing you of your life."

(To Moshi) "... Even if you were possessed, you were still my friend."

(To Yasui) "I won't ever claim that I didn't have a choice. Yet for my dream, I chose to kill you, who had always supported me..."

(To Harlan) "To think that we were comrades just yesterday. Yet I don't hold it against you for sharing different ideals than I do. I feel like I'm forcing my own vision of the world on others..."

(To Ryuji) "Maybe I didn't know you that well, but I will remember to mourn you along with all the others."

(To Yuzu) "... Forgive me. What a terrible way this was to end your story..."

(To Taro) "I don't know what to think. Did I just slay Amaterasu? No, wait, I should make sure Sensei is alive. Sensei! Answer me!"

(To Ryo) "Your soul... I hope it has been put at rest."

(To Kana) "Even if Light prevailed this time, that doesn't mean it's necessarily stronger."
Hosted The Year of Luigi competition (and here's the awards ceremony).
Current AAO projects (to be completed eventually, probably, hopefully): A Real Name (2024), A Silly Little Dream (hopefully late 2024 or very early 2025), My Dearest Direst Disgrace (hopefully late 2025)
Stuff I've made on here: QotU
Make My Life Worse
Malleus Maleficarum: The Witch of San Ignacio
The Six Transgender Lesbian Goddesses of Love Are Having A Petty Argument, So They Try To Settle Things Alongside The Three Transgender Gay Gods of Flavor
Defend Him, Not Me!
The Guardian and the Dreamer
I was a guest judge and did a bit of writing for the TICKING TIME BOMB competition.
My Twitter is here
Avatar is of Marth from Fire Emblem, commissioned from @PiyoStoria on Twitter.
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by Sleuth »

Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Akira.
Spoiler : Akira Kagekami :
Vs. Saburo (Pre-Battle): "Hmph. Shut up, or I'll have to cut your throat."
Vs. Saburo (Victory): "Guess I get the last laugh. Hahahahaha!"

Vs. Atlantis (Pre-Battle): "Ooh, scary scythe! Wonder if you're any good with it, though?"
Vs. Atlantis (Victory): "I like your style. Want to help me out some time?"

Vs. Lucia (Pre-Battle): "Well, if I can't kill you... I guess I'll just have to stab you until I'm bored."
Vs. Lucia (Victory): "Hope I didn't just kill an immortal!"

Vs. Kokoro (Pre-Battle): "May I have this dance?"
Vs. Kokoro (Victory): "Hey, don't go out now! We've still got a Shadow to kill."

Vs. Yasui (Pre-Battle): "Interesting company you keep. Still, you shouldn't rely on others, you know."
Vs. Yasui (Victory): "Friends like that will only turn on you in the end. Gotta fight your own battles if you want to win."

Vs. Moshi (Pre-Battle): "...I wasn't expecting this... I'll put you out of your misery, okay?"
Vs. Moshi (Pre-Battle): "Ha... This is like a bad joke, or something..."

Vs. Saori (Pre-Battle): "I was planning to get around to this eventually, Faithful or not."
Vs. Saori (Victory): "Somehow, I'm not too heartbroken about this."

Vs. Shiori (Pre-Battle): "Ne, Shi-chan... We have to fight, don't we? Guess there's no other way..."
Vs. Shiori (Victory): "Hah... How funny. I almost..."

Vs. Heako (Pre-Battle): "Hey there! How's that leg doing, Mr. Genius?"
Vs. Heako (Victory): "Oh my. Hope I didn't cause that magnificent mind of yours any damage."

Vs. Jean (Pre-Battle): "Hey, can I cut your vocal chords? Right now?"
Vs. Jean (Victory): "By the way, Shi-chan isn't interested. Quit while you're ahead."

Vs. Norman (Pre-Battle): "Am I under arrest? Again?"
Vs. Norman (Victory): "There. Can I go now?"

Vs. Kurt (Pre-Battle): "...? Oh, sorry. I mistook you for someone else."
Vs. Kurt (Victory): "Why don't I take those off your hands for now? You won't be needing them, after all."

Vs. Karina (Pre-Battle): "Don't underestimate me, miss. I'm not an 'average' kid."
Vs. Karina (Victory): "Told you. I'm a soldier too, in a way."

Vs. Narome (Pre-Battle): "I've heard lots of things about you. Do you really think you can kill me, though?"
Vs. Narome (Victory): "Okay, so, I'll be taking one of those punctors. Only seems fair."

Vs. Zip Barren (Pre-Battle): "Sorry about last time. But if you're better now, then why don't we play a bit?"
Vs. Zip Barren (Victory): "Ahahaha! Pretty fun. Let's play again sometime."

Vs. Kageno (Pre-Battle): "...Didn't Sensei already blow you up?"
Vs. Kageno (Victory): "If you can't take the heat... Then stay away from the Sun Goddess."

Vs. Matryoshka (Pre-Battle): "I'll admit-- Didn't expect to meet a man from the future that uses a trident."
Vs. Matryoshka (Victory): "You know Saburo Kirio, don't you? I can tell from that look on your face."

Vs. Maline (Pre-Battle): "You? A genius? Forgive me if I'm not inclined to believe that."
Vs. Maline (Victory): "I've had better fights with Yasui."
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by Wackyman »

Quotes goooo.
Spoiler : Iris Robhu :
Mysa(Pre Battle) - "I've been to Hell and back, and I never heard of a loser like you."
(Win) - "Are all demons as weak as you?"
Trama(Pre Battle) - "I hope you've saved room for a knuckle sandwich."
(Win) - "Oh dear. Did I spoil your apetite?"
Payler(Pre Battle) - "Go back to playing in the sand before you get hurt, kid."
(Win) - "Maybe you should search for a way to get stronger instead, beach bum!"
Shiori(Pre Battle) - "I can't see your eyes behind those shades, but I hope there's fear in them."
(Win) - "Why don't you try brining yourself back from the dead, necromancer?"
Gwen(Pre Battle) - "I won't hold back, even against you!"
(Win) - "Hey, I didn't hurt you too bad did I?"
Christian(Pre Battle) - "You think you can take me without hiding behind your brother? How cute."
(Win) - "As I thought. All brains, no strength."
Shawn(Pre Battle) - "The bigger they are, the harder they fall"
(Win) - "You and Brains are worthless without each other, huh?"
Ceil(Pre Battle) - "Voyons qui est la fierté de la terre! (Let us see who is the pride of the land!)
(Win) - "Tres bien. Essayer davantage la prochaine fois. (Try harder next time)."
Alice(Pre Battle) - "Ready to go deeper into the rabbit hole?" (getyourmindoutofthegutteryoupervs)
(Win) - "I guess you decided to take the blue pill."
Leonard(Pre Battle) - "Well, you look a little weak. Let me put you out of your misery."
(Win) - "The pain will go away...eventually. Fufufu..."
Guy(Pre Battle) - "You worst fear is about to become a reality."
(Win) - "Girls are pretty scary, aren't they?"
Nathan(Pre Battle) - "You seem so...familiar."
(Win) - "I guess blondes don't have more fun."
Spoiler : Trama Salamander :
Mysa(Pre Battle) - "I've been fighting zombies for months! A demon doesn't scare me!"
(Win) - "Any other things from Hell want to wreck me life?! Be my guest!"
Iris(Pre Battle) - "If I win, you gotta take me to France!"
(Win) - "C'mon, please? I need to get out of this state!"
Payler(Pre Battle) - "Those gaunlets! What an amazing invention!"
(Win) - "Hmph. Clearly your gaunlets have a few kinks in them. If only I had build them!"
Shiori(Pre Battle) - "So, I heard you like bringing people back from the dead..."
(Win) - "Of course, these are TECHNICALLY zombies, but I won't let you create real ones anymore!"
Cormac(Pre Battle) - "Time to revenge the death of my last popsicles!"
(Win) - "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you! Never touch my popsicles!"
Miss Ellie(Pre Battle) - "If I win, tonight's dessert is sea-salt ice cream! Deal?"
(Win) - "Uh, are you OK? Um, one blink for yes..."
Mark(Pre Battle) - "I'm more than just a pretty face, y'know!
(Win) - "I need a man in my life, not a boy."
Margaret(Pre Battle) - "It's the dawn of a new beating!"
(Win) - "Mind keeping your brother on a leash?"
Markess(Pre Battle) - "Ha! You think you can beat me with that primative thing?"
(Win) - "Ah, the power of progress! I hope I've convinced you to get rid of that thing! Donate it to an archery club or something!"
SS Sleuth and I are the same person.
gotMLK7 fashioned the Trama picture below out of female skulls.

[3/19/14 11:31:48 PM] Ultimate Butt-Rubber (Gumpei): on the other hand you could try playing with your balls submerged in icy water
[3/19/14 11:31:51 PM] Nick (Hodou): yeah I'm thinking that's the idea.

Check out my first trial co-created with Dypo_deLina Firing up the Turnabout!
Call me Wacky.

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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by LunchPolice »

Spoiler : Onic, Pre-Battle Quotes :
(To Porcus) "Mmm... smells like bacon!"

(To Heako Carde) "Time to die, Cayley!"

(To Shadow) "Hey, is that a kid's bike?"

(To Vegeta) "Hey bro! Let's see which sword's the strongest!"

(To Dubsy) "... The hell? Looks like some kinda winegum..."

(To Vincent Bodrovi) "Look, I haven't seen your boyfriend, okay? Out of my face."

(To Merrik) "Haha. Nice hoverbike, loser."

(To Spider-Man) "You won't make a fool of me again."

(To Leon Oscar) "You look irritable. That date with Hellen didn't go too well, huh?"

(To Ryo) "Ugh. My throat tingles just looking at you..."
Spoiler : Onic, Win Quotes :
(To Porcus) "Don't you disrespect my friend again, punk."

(To Heako Carde) "Sorry, Aven. Didn't mean to step outta line there."

(To Shadow) "What a rip-off.."

(To Vegeta) "Aw man, you broke my Soul Edge!"

(To Dubsy) "Watch as I squish the last squeak from your annoying face, worm."

(To Vincent Bodrovi) "*pant* ... *pant* ... I thought you were meant to be calm and collected...!"

(To Merrik) "How's that for perfection?"

(To Spider-Man) "Hahahahaha! Looks like your luck ran out this time, dolt!"

(To Leon Oscar) "There. These new pains can replace the old!"

(To Ryo) "Even I think you're a nutcase."
And now, Chaos, you know the pain of updating the random characters topic. :twisted:
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by enigma »

Now with added quotes*~!
*Prebattle quotes and added Cormac to Kageno's. I tried to make it so that in a way they're almost parodying eachothers insults.
Spoiler : Dubsy Pre-Battle Quotes :
Norman Jayden: Maybe I can beat the friendship and alliance into you?
James Wildifire: Kaitou kid! Phantom Thief! Can I get your autograph~?
Glitch: Glitch. I've hunted you down. You are evil anbd you were never meant to be. I'm going to go kill you now, okay?
Mordik: You're strategy involves confuzzling people...Copycat.
Wild: Wild? Weird name. Get one that's easier to remember like Dubsy or...Something.
Samuel Fields: You know why you're not very happy? Because you're smart and sane. Let me show you the joy of insanity~!
Kageno Kumori: What?! Kururu?! When did you escape CC?! I'm going to have to make you go back now. That's my next 10 minutes wasted.
Drey Wilkins: YOU'RE THE A**HOLE MEANIE FACE JERK WHO MADE FUN OF ME! Ha! Well...I'm going to deal out some full. With a 25% interest because the Bank of Dubsy has fantastic rates on PAYBACK!!!
Narome: You kill people to live?! What kind of... Never mind, I'll just kill you and we can all go off and eat burgers. Except you. Because you'll be dead.
Onic: I approved Sonics entry, not you. Go back to dying, you freak.
Vivviene Marie/Marcus deFrenza: Topaz loves the name deFrenza, huh? Can't blame him, though. De.Freeen. Zaaaaa. See?
Generic/Wilson Nakota: TWEWY character? But I didn't put you in CC...
Porcus: PIGGY! Want some ham?
Kazooie: Hey! Hey, Kazooie! Hey! Hey! Remember CC?! Wasn't that great fun? No...Well I guess I'll have to fix that.
Zip Barren: Does that pepper spray taste good on chicken?
Maline DeSiren: It's the head booter! Today you'll realise the great power of the hero of Crossover Central...'s foot against your face.
Kurt Miera: You remind me of this guy... He's all angry and grumpy but really he's a good guy too. Of course, he's not as weirdly tough and he knows that guns will do waaay more damage in a fight.
Rei Saito: You seem like a nice person... We'll both go easy on eachother, 'kay?
Mark Dawn: Ooh! We should be friends! We're both idiot heroes and we both like food! Want some chicken?
Kana Saito: You don't look evil, but it seems like you've been infected by a darkness virus. Have you been opening unamed emails?
Taro Tanshin: Taro...Magic cards and potatoes. Which one are you?
Ryo Tanshin: You let evil turn you crazy and demonic. I know that feel, bro. Okay, now I'm going to kill you, 'kay?
Moshi Maida: Moshi...Moshi...Moooooshi. That's a weird name, huh?
Spoiler : Dubsy Win Quotes :
Norman Jayden: Oops. I'm sorry...Friendsies?
James Wildifire: I beat Kaitou Kid!
Glitch: Evil must be deleted! Now you've gotten your punishment.
Mordik: Hey! Confuzzling people is my job! That's what happens when you copy me.
Wild: A good game of friendly sparring~! Want some donuts?
Samuel Fields: Logic and code is stupid. Be stupid! Be insane! It's a lot more fun!
Kageno Kumori: Kururu! Now that you're defeated, go back to CC.
Drey Wilkins: I HATE YOU!! DIE! DIE!! DIE!!! Meanie.
Narome: If you've got menace in your name you're obviously evil. That's why you had to die.
Onic: Now you and Wilfre can go party together in evil guy hell~!
Vivviene Marie/Marcus deFrenza: Hey~! Topaz entered both of the deFrenza's! Now there's only one left, though...
Generic/Wilson Nakota: You know, I'm starting to wonder whether you really are a TWEWY character after all....
Porcus: Lets go eat bacon together!~ I'm hungry!
Kazooie: Do you remember me now? They say that a good hit in the head cures amnesia.
Zip Barren: Selfish. Sadistic. Greedy. That means you're deleted!
Maline DeSiren: *Boots her in the head* Now we're even!
Kurt Miera: Hey~! I won~! Want to be friends?
Rei Saito: Aww...It's okay! Just refresh and use a walkthrough!
Mark Dawn: Idiot heroes unite! We should join together to fight evil! Popcorn?
Kana Saito: I'm sorry but you were infected by a demon virus. That's why I had to debug you.
Taro Tanshin: Are you a potato? Because I'm going to eat you now~!
Ryo Tanshin: Infected file found. Deleted!!!
Moshi Maida: We both have an evil side, but at least I'm normally a good guy!
Spoiler : Kageno Pre Battle :
Onic: Well, this is going to be easy. It's that guy who's never one a single fight. Kukuku...
James Wildfire: Kukuku...Let me guess, DLA made you? He can't make an original character to save his life can he? Kuku...
Taro: Oh, hey there Mr. Woman. What's it like knowing your brother's a raging psychopath? Kukukuku....
Drey: Aww man...It's Mr. I-cheat-and-never-get-hit-by-anything Wilkins. Kukuku...Isn't it sad that your creator has to respond to cheating for you to win? Kukuku..
Wild: Wild? Kukuku...Oh man, I'm going to have a field day with that name. Kuku...
Samuel Fields: Kukuku...You call yourself logical? Ku! I call you a feeak who thinks he's smart. Why don't you see some real me? Kukuku...
Dubsy: Kukuku...Oh look, it's the purple freak with schizophrenia. If you're going to snap and turn into what's his face Dubsy, don't cry like a little baby after. Kukuku
Kageno Kumori: My cloning machine must have broken again. Ku..Ku...
Narome: Kukuku...Oh look, it's Mr. Depressio. If you're so depressed and angsty...have you tried killing yourself? Kukuku...
Young Glitch: Hey, it's the big bad of CC. What exactly have you done there again that makes you a big bad? Kuku
Vivienne Marie deFrenza: Aww...I finally face a chick and she's....this. Ku...
Zachary Generic, Wilson Nakota: Hey Wilson, hey Zachary. What's it like living inside eachother? Kukuku...Oops, I didn't mean to imply anything like that..Kuku..
Porcus: Maybe I'll give it a rest on the bacon jokes since everyone else is doing them. Hmm...From now on your stupid, boring fatty. SBF for short, okay? Kukuku...
Kazooie: You know, if you aren't the Kazooie from CC, why the hell are you here?
Kurt Meira: Hey, I heard you had a sexy sister. Where are you hiding her? Kuku...
Zip Barren: Pfft...Please. Nothing can keep away the advances of Kageno Kumori.
Vincent Colren: Stupid AND sensitive. Why don't we add in useless, as well? Kuku
Norman Jayden: Nah-man? Kukuku...Aw man, I'm facing the one detective in Heavy Rain who truly, completely sucks at his job. You know you're the only character who doesn't have a single happy ending, right? Kuku...
Maline Desiren: Hey, you're smart, right? Well, I'm smart too! See were already hitting it off fine!
Rei/Kana Saito: You ladies like Mahjong? I've never lost a game. Who's up for a game of strip Mahjong?
Mark Dawn:An idiot otaku. Pfft...You've got nothing going for you. Why don't you just sit there and let me kick your ass? Kukuku...
Ryo Tanshin: Ooh~ Mr. Darkness Detective. Why don't we team up? You've got brawn but there sure isn't a brain in that screwed up head of yours. Kukuku...
Markus DeFrenza: Kuku...Hey, I heard you had a sister....Kukuku...If I beat you you've got to set us up together. Kuku..
Moshi Maida: Has anyone told you how stupid the name Moshi is? Kukuku...Oh yeah, RotS is never going to revive. Just accept that you're never going to be worth anything. Kukuku...
Cormac Finnigan: Wow! Even I want you to shut up. You're accent's bad and it probably offends every real Irish person. Kukuku...Besides, your gun is tiny compared to mine. Why do you even think you stand a chance? Don't answer! You're accent makes me want to hurl. Kukuku...
Spoiler : Kageno Win Quotes :
Onic: "Kukuku...I guess ripoffs are never as strong as the original's, huh?
James Wildfire: "Kukukukuku~ Oh, hey, look it's another one of DLA's overly generic, ripoffs in a tophat~! At least you get the honour of dying to someone better than you.'
Taro: "Potatoes, potatoes, the he-she teacher~! This is how this match was supposed to go~!"
Drey: "I guess your owner finally decided to stop dodging every single freaking thing, huh? Kukuku..."
Wild: "Wild?! What the hell kind of name is that?! Is your creator some five year old trying to look cool~? Kukuku..."
Samuel Fields: "Kukuku...So, what does your logic say about me now?"
Dubsy: "Kukuku...Do I need to say it? Everyone hates you and your a disgrace to your creator. Shut up, Enigma."
Kageno Kumori: "The real Kageno is the best Kageno, as always. Kukuku..."
Narome: "Maybe if you'd stopped being an angsty emo for a second you'd have had, like, a 20% chance of winning. Kukuku..."
Young Glitch: "Have fun being in empty, eternal death~! Kukuku..."
Vivienne Marie deFrenza: "Pfft...You're just a brat. When you're older and hotter, come see me then. Kukuku..."
Zachary Generic/ Wilson Nakota: "Double the loser, double the suck~! Kukuku...Schizoid morons."
Porcus: "Hey, fatty~! Kukuku...You know why I won? Because I'm not a boring dumbass with like only one move set on repeat."
Kazooie: "Kukuku..You may not remember this, but you had your ass kicked in Crossover Central. I was recreating that for you. Kuku...You're welcome."
Kurt Meira: "Now that that's done, where's your hot sister? Kukuku..."
Zip Barren: "That pepper spray won't keep me away~! Kukuku..."
Vincent Colren: "Aww...Is the sensitive, weak minded little baby going to cry now? Kukuku...Don't worry, I'll buy you a kitty to make you feel better. Ku ku..."
Norman Jayden: "Agent Nah-man Jayden~ Kukuku...You're gonna' have to get off the triptocaine if you want to stand against me. Kukuku...."
Maline Desiren: "Pfft...You're profile says your smart, so why not go with a man who's smart, sexy and can whoop your butt in battle. Kuku...Like me~!"
Rei/Kana Saito: "Hey, baby. Kukuku...You up for a game of strip mahjong, now?"
Mark Dawn: "Maybe if you got out of your house and stopped googling maids once in a while. Kukuku...Kindness is overrated, stupid otaku."
Ryo Tanshin: "I like your style, why don't you come and join the best of the best, hm~? Kukuku..."
Markus DeFrenza: "Kuku...So, this sister of yours...Is she hot? Kuku...Maybe we should all get together for coffee some time."
Moshi Maida: "Why are you even here? Kuku...You never got to be used, your RP's dead and now so are you."
Cormac Finnigan: Aye, laddy's, I'm an irish lad, ya lasses. See how annoyingly stupid that is? Kukuku
Last edited by enigma on Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by gotMLK7 »

Like Kageno could beat Cormac. *shot*
Hersh/Fiendy has credit for the amazing GiGi pics and enigma has credit for the adorable Kenshin Mega Man sprite!

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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by enigma »

Actually, I consider them equal. Kageno's smarter but Cormac's stronger...and they both use awesome guns. Still, Kageno's real RP counterpart made by someone else is Vladimir, IMO.
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by gotMLK7 »

True. They're similar. Though Vladimir is more...psychotic. xD

(BTW Cormac's smart, he's just overconfident. xP)

I think I'll do Leon next. His pissiness shouldn't be hard to write for.
Hersh/Fiendy has credit for the amazing GiGi pics and enigma has credit for the adorable Kenshin Mega Man sprite!

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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by GuardianDreamer »

I'm pretty sure we're supposed to assume all the characters get balanced so that anything is possible. I couldn't imagine Rei beating Kana, for example, but in a fighting game it would be more balanced. Also, I have no idiotic characters. Any that seem like it are naive or mostly faking it.
Hosted The Year of Luigi competition (and here's the awards ceremony).
Current AAO projects (to be completed eventually, probably, hopefully): A Real Name (2024), A Silly Little Dream (hopefully late 2024 or very early 2025), My Dearest Direst Disgrace (hopefully late 2025)
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Make My Life Worse
Malleus Maleficarum: The Witch of San Ignacio
The Six Transgender Lesbian Goddesses of Love Are Having A Petty Argument, So They Try To Settle Things Alongside The Three Transgender Gay Gods of Flavor
Defend Him, Not Me!
The Guardian and the Dreamer
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by Sleuth »

I'd assume so. Though I find it interesting that Kokoro speaks to her opponents as if she's killed them... Odd.

I want to do a few more, but I don't know who to write. Any suggestions?
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Re: The AAO RP characters battle quotes collection.

Post by enigma »

Glitch will have to be next because I'm trying to make a nice neat compilation of all of my characters in the tourney, along with their quotes against the other characters. CORMAC COUNTS AS DLC!!! :awesome:
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