[RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! ==INVASION==

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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Sign-Ups)

Post by lazyplague »

GD for next giant dragon turtle alien thing.

I can see it now.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Sign-Ups)

Post by Topaz »

You could always be the lackey for the renegade team that gets sent out a lot to deal with the riders because the rest cant be bothered.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Sign-Ups)

Post by Sleuth »

Spoiler : :
Username: Sylvie Silverwing
Character Name: Liam Treader
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Liam is a tall young man for his age, standing at about 5'8" feet tall, with short, messy hair that curls a bit near the top, and is parted a little above his left eye. His hair is a sandy-golden blonde, making it appear to be somewhat dirty. His eyes are a bright green, and he his skin is lightly tanned from long days in the sun. His arms and legs appear thin and scrawny, but he is actually quite strong, having built up a bit of muscle from his time as a Rider, which is more apparent when he is not wearing sleeves or long pants. His body, however, is mostly covered in scars and wounds, many of which have healed up since long ago, but remain visible. Liam prefers to cover these with heavy clothing, even in the summer heat.

Clothes-wise, Liam likes to dress simply and casually, in clothes picked more for comfort and malleability than style (though if they happen to look good, then that's a plus) preferring clothes that can easily conceal his morpher in pockets or folds of his clothes. He gleefully ignores the school's dress code, instead appearing at school in a light green sweater over a white, collared dress shirt and black jeans. He'll also don a checkered black and gold scarf, which is tattered from constant misuse as a weapon/rope rather than for any actual warmth. At all times, though, he keeps his morpher secure around his neck on a small chain, taking the form of a miniature sword with a white gem inside of it. The morpher changes to standard morpher form when the gem is activated.

Backstory: As a young child, Liam had always had a strong love of Justice. Born from a well-off family, he was taught to always treat others with respect, and to always think of others before yourself. These life lessons, however, came from his grandfather-- His parents were too busy amassing their fortune and partying abroad to take care of him, after all. As such, his grandfather did his best to drill some morality into him-- Something Liam was all to happy to do, if only to spite his greedy, neglectful parents. He hid his rich background and took his grandfather's lessons to heart by always assisting others. And miraculously, he found that he loved the feeling of helping others-- He loved the gratitude in their eyes, the feeling of heroism inside; the feeling that justice had been done. At that time, he decided to devote his life to helping the weak.

He soon came to realize that life wasn't as simple as that, though-- He found that at times, he would help the wrong person, or that those he would help would begin using him. Constantly frustrated by the lack of justice in the world, he began to wonder what needed to be done. Ultimately, he decided, bad people had to be punished-- Protecting the weak was only half the battle. Through both "punishment" and "protection", true Justice would be achieved.

As time went on, Liam's conceptions about the world began to change-- He grew to see justice as his one true goal, and hated the world's inequalities. As the Justice Riders rose to prominence, he began to realize that there were whole other worlds out there-- Entire planets that had their own "justice" and "injustice". Knowing this, he came to the conclusion that "justice" was more than an end to be achieved-- It was a force, a will, an active part of the universe; with this realization underway, he threw away his old devotion of simply protecting the innocent; and instead devoted his life to pursuing justice, making himself into a "Weapon of Justice"; achieving true Justice by saving the weak and punishing the wrongdoers. Somewhere down the line, he managed to punish his parents as well.

One day, he was selected by a man named Taka Nobunaga, who took him under his wing, and eventually swore him in as a Justice Rider. Liam saw the man as the father he never had, and eagerly became his apprentice, running many missions under him, and becoming the Rider he is today.

Personality: Liam is a cheerful and bright young man, who is always smiling. He is typically upbeat and optimistic, always confident that "justice" will prevail no matter what. He is a bit of a joker, and loves to play around, and has a serene and laid-back attitude towards most of life. He acts politely towards others and always seems to be polite and well-mannered, though this sometimes tends to drive others away. As a Rider, he takes his profession very seriously, though it doesn't show, due to his seemingly careless and reckless approach to missions and his faith in the idea of "justice". He loves his job as a Rider and shows no mercy in combat, throwing his all into every fight and relishing the thrill of the fight. What he truly loves more than anything, though, is the feeling of saving innocents and protecting the weak. His drive to help others is so strong that he even gets "withdrawals" from not saving the day.

He seems to understand the concept of justice as more of a "force" of the universe than an act or a concept-- He thoroughly believes that no matter what, no matter who wins in the end, that Justice will always prevail. His sense of justice drives him to act in any situation, with little to no thought of his own well-being, as evidenced by the numerous scars all over his body. His enthusiasm is such that at times he forgets to morph, and will charge into situations with complete faith in the victory of his team. He thinks of himself as a "weapon of Justice", and strives to make himself the most effective warrior possible for the sake of upholding his "justice". However, his fanatical devotion makes him unpredictable at best and absolutely manic at worst, as he claims only allegiance to "justice" rather than to any people, country, or race.

At his core, Liam desires to truly help people, and honestly believes that spreading "justice" throughout the universe is the only way to help them. He respects those that fight for what they believe in, even if they do not fight for the same ideals he holds, including his mentor, Taka. He loves the Riders, and sees his selection as a member to be validation of his own just soul. His love of justice makes him somewhat volatile and unstable, but he ultimately wants to save people from destruction and destroy those who are threaten them.

Rider Color: White/Gold

Motif: Chivalry/Knights

Rider Appearance: Liam's morphed form gains a knight-like helm, with a V-shaped black visor over his eyes, and a smooth white plate over his mouth, which points upwards in the center to give the visor two "eyes" of sorts. The helm draws back to a spike in the back, giving it a somewhat streamlined look, from which a large gold plume erupts, similar to a ponytail, reaching down to his shoulders. It grants Liam the mystical power of never getting caught on anything in spite of the many acrobatic leaps Liam performs. The rest of his suit is pure white, with gauntlets and greaves, and sabatons over his feet (the German model, not the ones with 6-inch toes). On his back is a golden symbol of a claymore facing downwards (with a V-shaped hilt so it doesn't get mistaken for a cross), which allows him to summon his sword at will. His suit has gold trim drawn across it, featured prominently on the gauntlets and greaves, and a few spots of black around the helmet.

Powers and Abilities: Liam has a very high tolerance for pain; a trait which is only boosted when in his morphed form. Not to say that he doesn't get injured-- But he has a remarkable ability to ignore even the most dire pain, possibly derived from his obsession with saving others and seeing justice done. As a Rider, his ability to do so is increased greatly; however he still can be incapacitated by a strong enough blow, and his threshold for pain can cause him to ignore caution and power through enemy fire when there are ways around it.

Other than that, he is skilled in martial arts, having been trained by Taka Nobunaga. Though he is not as skilled as his mentor, he is able to hold his own unarmed, and even unmorphed. He is physically stronger than most, though he doesn't often realize this. In combat, he mostly relies on his Gravity powers to deftly maneuver around the enemy and end them with the quickest strike possible.

Special Weapon: His gauntlets and greaves are known as the "Grappling Gauntlets" (and Greaves), and allow him the ability to cling/walk on any surface, provided it is solid enough to stand upon. As such, he is able to stand on water (sort of) but not in midair. His own personal gravity is changed so he does not feel any dizzying effects from standing upside down and such. Otherwise, the gauntlets and greaves can also be used as... gauntlets and greaves. They aren't amazingly sturdy otherwise, and can be put out of commission if blasted hard enough. (Though they will magically be repaired the next time he suits up.) The gauntlets also have the ability to "lessen the load", by reducing the gravitational pull on anything he touches. However, this only applies to objects that go to a certain level of mass-- For example, he can use his power to lift a car with little to no effort, but not a ten-story building. His gauntlets are also equipped with Gravity Wire, which he can fire at will to use like a grappling hook. Think Spider-Man, basically. They can be retracted and allow him to sling himself around with little regard for the laws of physics. (Think Attack on Titan.) The Gravity Wire is nigh unbreakable, but it can be dislodged and removed if it has nothing to latch onto.

He also has his own personal weapon, a sword he can summon via the symbol on his back. It is a unique sword with the hilt of a longsword and a T-shaped cross-guard, but the curved blade of a katana. The blade itself is pure white, and when held downwards, the weapon as a whole resembles a "J". It has no special properties other than being a cool sword. It looks similar to this, only with a bit more curve.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Sign-Ups)

Post by Wackyman »

Spoiler : app :
Username: gotMLK7

Character Name: Shinjiro Kage (Shinji for short)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance:Shinji has brown, neatly kempt short hair that flows to his right with grey eyes, one of them being glass, and is taller than most kids in his class. He has side burns that go down only to his ears, and they aren't very hairy. He is considered very skinny by most, but he does have a smidge of muscle tone that's not entirely visible. His skin is rather pale. He paints doodles on his uniform from time to time, annoying the staff at school. He typically wears a light jacket over his clothes when he isn't wearing his school uniform, which is usually. He wears t-shirts with complex designs under these jackets and wear jeans.

Backstory: Unfortunately, Shinji lived a rather normal life. Normal parents, an average home, average friends. Nothing interesting of note really happened in his childhood. I say "unfortunately" because Shinji finds an average life to be dull beyond compare. He was a boy who wanted something more in his life, but this "something" never came. The repetitive cycle of his life drove him to near insanity. In a desperate attempt for a spark of excitement, he grabbed a fork while his parents were running errands and gorged out his right eye. Upon his parents' return, they found his child looking giddy as she swung his legs around on an armchair, the blood from his eye dripping down his cheek and onto his living room carpet.

Shinji was taken to a hospital immediately and later to a psychiatric ward. After being released two years later, where for the most part he exhibited good behavior, he heard of the Justice Riders. Having amazing powers and fighting bad guys was a concept that resonated with him. He was accepted into the Riders despite his questionable background due to his eagerness to serve and his hidden potential. For about a year, Shinji was an elite member of the Riders, defeating many criminals.

Unfortunately, after receiving a taste of what he was capable of with his power, merely using them only when trouble arose grew lackluster quickly. Using his abilities, he harassed a teacher with his abilities, convincing said teacher that he had gone insane. Frowning upon damaging the mental health of an innocent, the Riders demanded Shinji relinquish his power. Shinji refused, and to this day Shinji remains a Renegade Rider, slipping away from the grasps of the Riders.

Personality: Shinji is rotten to the core and enjoys every moment of it. Even when not in his Rider form he tends to cause trouble for everyone around him, not caring what anyone else thinks. He doesn't consider himself bad or evil persay, but rather considers himself a free spirit. He trips kids in the hall, doesn't like giving straight answers, and does other things that label him a sadist.

As he merely works for his own best interest, he does occasionally do things that would be considered "good" or "justice" so long as it gives him the rush he desires. Everything he does, he does it for fun and nothing more. His actions are merely a protection from his humdrum life of yesteryear. While he does enjoy messing with others, he can get along with others so long as they accept his rowdy nature. He can be a bit of an egoist as well, constantly praising himself and writing in graffiti his motif "S" all over town. He has little sense of honor, often doing sneak attacks to avoid actual fights and uses his powers as a means of easy escape.

Rider Color: Grey

Motif: A flaming "S"

Rider Appearance: In his Rider form, Shinji wears a grey scarf of abnormal length that flows in the breeze (even when there isn't one). He dons a grey eye mask with jagged edges that goes even beyond his ears. The rest of his face is covered in face paint and his hair turns grey and spikey in contrast to his normally clean hair. He wears grey, fingerless gloves and wears a grey jacket with white strip at the bottom, the bottom of the jacket also being jagged in a way similar to the eye mask. His flaming "S" is on the back of this light jacket. He wears a very generic, Power Ranger-esque grey sentai outfit under this jacket as it was his original look when he was a normal Rider.

Powers and Abilities: His main ability is creating a duplicate version of himself from his shadow. His normal self merely has increased agility, while his shadow self has this ability along the ability to self destruct (which, after activating, prevents Shinji from creating this shadow self again for a while) and uses powers of darkness to hinder the visibility of those around him. When his normal self has his in tact shadow attached to him, he gains his shadow's darkness ability along with the ability to shoot dark lasters from his mask.

Special Weapon: Shinji wields a grey mechanical staff that he dubs "Shadow Breaker." It starts off small as it is used for sneaky, swift strikes when he doesn't wish to fight fair. When in full on combat, he presses a button on the staff to extend it on both ends, making it about as big as double-balded lightsaber.
Spoiler : App 2: The Appening :
Username: Hodou Okappa

Character Name: Trama Salamander

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: It's OK to remove copy and paste. Image

Imagine her without the glasses (also she doesn't have the gun when she's in normal form, obviously). For actual scale, she is 5'9"

Backstory: Trama grew up in a particularly wealthy family, living in a mansion outside of town and having many servants around her. Despite this lavish lifestyle, she does not take advantage of it or let it define her. Instead of achieving to inherit the family business when she grows old enough, she instead dreams of becoming an inventor. She creates various trinkets in her workshop (which is what she calls the desk in her room) that baffle in the most experienced inventors with their uniqueness and their technological advancements. Her parents urge her to patent these devices so that they may be sold at their company, but she refuses, wanting to stay clear of the family business as much as possible. Not out of spite of her background or parents, but simply because she wishes to pursue her own goals.

One day at a trip to a hardware store, a robbery took place. She hid in the corner of the store as the clerk working at the store was being mugged. With quick thinking, she constructed a makeshift weapon from a few tools and used them to know the robber out cold. This heroic act was written in the newspaper, which made the Riders take note. She was offered to be a Rider herself, though she initially refused. After toiling away at her workshop, mulling over the proposal, she realized the invention she was working on began to stray from its initial design. Instead, it began to look like a gun. Inspiration struck as she made a unique gun for herself. Realizing she could use her inventions for something more than a hobby and a possible career, she agreed to join the Riders.

Personality: Trama is a rather spunky girl who can be a bit sarcastic at times. She can be teasing, but never to the point where it comes off as insulting or downright cruel. She is generally friendly though not usually talkative, as she usually keeps to herself and works on her various inventions. She only works on her inventions after school and during lunch, as she gets in trouble whenever she is caught tinkering in the classroom. She doesn't get much sleep, which means she usually has bags under her eyes. She is sometimes known to sleep during class, but she usually stays awake by drinking 5-Hour Energy. sponspered by 5 Hour Energy

She has an almost unhealthy obsession with popsicles. She has a large assortment of them - though mostly they are sea salt flavor - in her freezer at home. She is rarely not seen eating a popsicle, and when she isn't she usually has a popsicle stick in her mouth. She is prone to violence when someone eats her popsicles without permission, or ruins the one she is currently eating. She may give her friends a popsicle, but this is only for people she really, really likes.

Rider Color: Teal

Motif: Wrench

Rider Appearance: It basically looks like this but in teal. (Sorry it's a bit small - I couldn't find anything in better quality that wasn't fanart/blocked most of the outfit). Her motif is on her cape. She wears a helmet with an eye visor and antenna-like pieces that resemble lightning bolts on both sides of the helmet, covering her ears and acting as communicators linked to the Rider's communication network, as she found the Rider's actual communicators "too low quality."

Powers and Abilities: As she is not quite skilled with a gun, her Rider form allows her more precision aim, and allows her to shoot far away targets even without a scope. She also has the ability to manipulate technology. As this ability is limited to her actual strength, she cannot levitate large, technological objects to hurl at others, but she can use them to her advantage if the situation ever called for it.

Special Weapon: Trama has two unique pistols (see Apperance) that doesn't use bullets but rather a power cell, meaning her pistol can fire more than an average pistol without having to reload. She keeps a few power cells handy in her uniform. As she is rich, purchasing such expensive power cells is no trouble to her.
SS Sleuth and I are the same person.
gotMLK7 fashioned the Trama picture below out of female skulls.

[3/19/14 11:31:48 PM] Ultimate Butt-Rubber (Gumpei): on the other hand you could try playing with your balls submerged in icy water
[3/19/14 11:31:51 PM] Nick (Hodou): yeah I'm thinking that's the idea.

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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Sign-Ups)

Post by gotMLK7 »

@GD: If it's a Renegade Rider, sure.
@Sleuth: Accepted, though I'm assuming he's just the "White Rider", since the "White/Gold Rider" is a tad awkward. Welcome to the Riders.
@Wacky: Both accepted. Welcome to the Riders.

Gonna start the first post about now so yeah, expect this to begin shortly.
Last edited by gotMLK7 on Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Sign-Ups)

Post by Ami »

Will be making an app soon, so expect me entering sometime soon as well.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by gotMLK7 »

The school bell rang to mark the end of the school day. "Alright," the teacher told his class, "Pass your exams to the front of the class and have a nice day. See you all again tomorrow."

As the students shuffled out of the school, the teacher stood up from the seat at his desk and went to the blackboard to erase the daily schedule and prepare it for tomorrow. He grabbed a piece of chalk from off of his desk next to a small nameplate labeled "MR. KENSHIN ICHIROU".

Ken put the chalk down once the schedule was rewritten and sat back down at his desk. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a strange device with a crimson rim and a gold medal with the initials "JR" emblazoned on it. He looked at it for a moment. "I wonder if HQ has detected any Kalcion activity yet...I'll contact GiGi about it once I get home, I suppose. Too risky here."

Ken pocketed the device and left the classroom. He slowly walked through the halls of the esteemed Chikyu Academy, sipping his coffee as he walked. The week had been rather peaceful so far...he hoped that things stayed that way. Considering everything he and his..."club" were facing at the moment, peace was a relief.

Hopefully, things would remain this way....


In an empty park not far from Chikyu Academy, there was a sudden flash of light. Out of seemingly nowhere, there was a somewhat large group of people standing in the park. Or at least, they looked like "people"...if people were heavily armed and had pure white flesh.

Most of the strangers looked the same. They had the pure white skin, wore silver jumpsuits, and had black gloves, boots, belts, and helmets, which had visors that made their eyes completely invisible. Something that looked like a strange sci-fi pistol was holstered in every one of their belts. They all seem cold and ruthless at first glance.

There was one stranger that looked somewhat different than the others, standing in front of them with a wide grin on his face. His white face was visible, including his deep purple eyes, but he was clad in a very different outfit. It was black and red, with an almost demonic appearance to it. Horns stuck out from the facial armor and spikes were sticking out of his shoulders and arms, sharp as a blade. The armor looked more like some evil skin that devoured the stranger than it did an outfit.

"Alright, gentlemen!" The one in front addressed the troops behind him. "Remember our mission here today! Prince Malchior has ordered us to do some recon in the area to find the location of the base of operations of the Kalcion's enemies...the Justice Riders." He paced back and forth as he spoke, with a gruff voice that practically roared when his voice rose. "Of course, we were ordered simply to investigate. But as acting leader on this mission, I, General Ralder, have taken it upon himself to add a new objective to this mission..."

He faced the troops and grinned sinisterly. "...If we see any of those damn Riders or pathetic humans, you have my permission to slaughter them without mercy." Ralder turned away from the troops and pointed forward. "Kalcion troops...move out!"
Spoiler : OOC :
The RP has now begun. Ralder and his troops are serving as initial enemies for once you're ready to fight after you've initially introduced yourselves. You don't need to fight him or his troops immediately. Feel free to post from this point on, and make sure OoC goes in spoiler tags now. Also, you can still create characters at the moment. If there's anything you're curious about, PM me or ask me OoC, or just find me on xat. This will move along in a somewhat episodic manner, if things go as planned, so consider Ralder's attack as "Episode 1". Also I was too lazy to actually design the first general myself, so here's a tektek image of Ralder:
Anyway...yeah, I think that's about it. Justice Riders, your mission begins...now!
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by Sleuth »

Spoiler : :
I do have a question; are we all a team, or are we acting induvidually? I am wondering what our dynamic is going to be, and if we're supposed to all know each other or not. (Barring obvious connections like Mono's characters, and Topaz's and mine.)
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by lazyplague »

Spoiler : OOC :
I'm just assuming that somehow we'll be called to our mission later.
Hayate sighed as the bell rang, even if the teacher was a rider, it sure was boring... and he got distracted by the fact that the teacher was a rider, fairly easily... He didn't think about that part, nope no thoughts at all about the fact that the teacher was a rider, definitely.

He looked at his watch... he had time to goof around after school, sure his mother would tell him to not be so lazy but... Hey he was a rider! That's grea- "Oof!" Hayate let out as he accidently walked into the door, "Uuuuughhhhhh..." People pointed and laughed, this wasn't very nice at all, oh the sorrows of being pointed and laughed at.

This had been happening ever since he joined the Riders, every. single. day. He just walked right into the doors, and every time people pointed and laughed, who's the school goofball, it was embarrassing, I mean they really had no right to laugh! He was protecting their lives... Of course they didn't know that... but they shouldn't laugh anyway, damn tall people!

He exited the school, and began to walk on the sidewalk, remaining quiet, mostly thinking to himself, which was comprised of pretty much, "Woah I'm a Rider woah." he then decided to wait and see if anyone he knew would come along, friends seemed like a nice thing to have when you're goofing around.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by gotMLK7 »

Spoiler : :
I suppose I didn't explain that too well, sorry. The Riders are all individual members of one large team. They don't generally act in the 5-man squads usually seen on Power Rangers, but they all work under one large group. Imagine groups like the Justice League, where all the heroes involved go do their own thing usually but act under one group, though with more members (I imagine there to be about 100 members of the Justice Riders, kinda like Wonderful 101). Whether or not you know secret identities of others initially basically depends on if you two have met in the group or not, which I'll leave up to you to decide. I suppose I'm not explaining it amazingly, but I think as the RP goes you'll get a sense of what it's like. Plus I'm crap with words so if I try to explain it more it'll be more confusing than it already is.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by Wackyman »

The snore of the ironically well groomed delinquent reverberated through the recently emptied classroom, his legs lounging atop his desk as a slight amount of droll streamed down his mouth. The only soul aside from the punk that inhabited the room at the moment was the teacher, who, with a disgruntled disposition, slammed a large ruler on the student's desk. A loud snort escaped Shinjiro as he regained his composure, staring at the instructor, who gave the boy an impatient glare. "You fell asleep halfway through class," she said. "I considered waking you up, but it'd be a waste of class time."

Shinji stood up, stretching as he spoke up. "Sorry 'bout that, Ms. Kimura," he yawned. "Maybe you should consider making your class a bit more interesting!"

The teacher heaved a sigh. "Maybe I should consider smacking you upside the head," she whispered to herself. Without a word, she swung her ruler in the direction of the door. Taking the hint, Shinji collected his belongings and said goodbye to his teacher with a wink and a salute. Reveling in his freedom for the rest of the day, he moved right past his locker, not bothering to get his math book to do his homework. He slid his fingers along the lockers, flicking the locks on the lockers. He passed by a blue haired girl about a year older than he, who finished collecting and storing her belongings.

"See ya later, Senpai," the boy teased, flicking her head as he passed by. Trama rubbed her head as the crude doodles on the back of his uniform were the last thing she saw of him before he turned the corner to the school entrance.

"Annoying pest..." she groaned, slamming her locker shut. She made sure her communicator was securely in her pocket and ventured toward the entrance of the school. Her bag jingled with the sounds of various tools and devices, which overpopulated the tiny bag and took up more room that the actual books in them. They were heavy, but nothing she couldn't handle. She bit down on the popsicle in her mouth, annoyed that all the flavor on it was sucked off ages ago, and all she could taste was the taste of soggy wood. She hoped to get home quick and get a new stick.

Upon leaving the school, she noticed another student outside of the school. Thankfully, it wasn't Shinji. "Hey, Kawaguchi. How's it going?"
SS Sleuth and I are the same person.
gotMLK7 fashioned the Trama picture below out of female skulls.

[3/19/14 11:31:48 PM] Ultimate Butt-Rubber (Gumpei): on the other hand you could try playing with your balls submerged in icy water
[3/19/14 11:31:51 PM] Nick (Hodou): yeah I'm thinking that's the idea.

Check out my first trial co-created with Dypo_deLina Firing up the Turnabout!
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by lazyplague »

Hayate noticed the blue haired girl that was talking to him... Trauma... He never had gotten over how strange that name was, although that really was the least strange thing about her... well actually that seemed fairly up to debate, but he didn't debate that with anyone.

"H-hi there!" He said nervously, as that was clearly the best way not to come of as nervous, "How are you doing... I'm still not sure what to call you."

Well, he wasn't.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by Ami »

Spoiler : App 1: Flash :

Username: Ami
Character Name: Flash
Age: 1 since animation, 19 since creation of the body
Gender: None, but identifies as male
Appearance: A flat, cloth teddy bear one foot tall. Wears a red ribbon. Face is drawn on, though expressions and mouth change when needed (i.e. when talking). Green eyes, black lines, mouth is a dark red when open. In normal form, Flash is about as strong as your average third-year elementary school student. He has no hands or feet, just nubs that magically seem to hold things.
Backstory: Flash used to be the owner of a Justice Rider, who thought it would be a cool idea to animate a teddy bear. Unfortunately, all AI/magically animated amalgams have their own personality- and Flash's is... less than honorable. For the first month of active duty, Flash was talented, if unorthodox. After several derelictions of duty to play, along with several infractions and felonies, Flash was kicked out of the Justice Riders. His creator took the brunt of all criminal charges due to Flash not being legally declared a person. Without his only friend, Flash took his morpher and became a Renegade Rider-For-Hire, and quickly gained the title "Lightning Flash", as his missions tended to be done very quickly- though with no mind to collateral damage.
Personality: Very selfish and childish, but loyal to those that befriend him. Those that do manage to befriend him learn that there's not much beneath his initial impression- the world very much revolves around the spoiled Flash, but he means well, even if he doesn't get have an overabundance of empathy. In fact, Flash tends to behave as one were if a child had the intellect of an adult.
Rider Color: Cerulean
Motif: Bears and Toys.
Rider Appearance:
Transformed, Flash gains a "visor" for eyes (drawn on as well), and his body gains a rider-suit-like appearance (becoming neater and sleeker), his ribbon becoming a sash. It doesn't really conceal his identity all that well, given that he's... unique.
Powers and Abilities: In addition to the super strength/stamina the outfit gives, Flash was originally built as a support unit. Because of this, Flash's sentai form can fuse with others to create Flash Armor, which further empowers a sentai form and allows limited rocket boosts (only a few seconds per burst, needs a full minute to recharge after each use), and the ability to use a fore-arm mounted energy blade on each arm. However, Flash has made modifications to himself to allow him to use the energy blades in his arms as well. While he isn't allowed flight, he can use the energy that would be used for the rocket booster for short bursts of what he calls "adrenaline speed", despite the fact he has no adrenal system.
Special Weapon: As mentioned before, fore-arm mounted blades, which compliment his small size and speed.
Spoiler : App 2: Guess who? :
Username: Ami
Character Name: Ami Cloverfield
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Black slacks, and a pair of black chuck tailors. Will dress less formally, but this is her "work" outfit.
Backstory: Ami came to Chikyu Academy because she couldn't stand being home any more. A typical runaway, but was thankfully greeted with open arms. Excelling in melee combat, theoretical physics, and arcane knowledge, she quickly gained acclaim. Despite demerits involving rash behavior, collateral damage, and inappropriate behavior towards fellow Riders, she's gained just as many, if not more commendations for bravery,
Personality: Very head-strong, and cocky- while she knows she's good, it sometimes affects her judgment, and she's often underestimating others. Friendly, but brash, loving, but over-affectionate, Ami is full of energy, and wants to share it with the world. However, she grows quickly bored with doing nothing for any amount of time, and grows uncomfortable in silence.

Rider Color: Carmine #D70040
Motif: Fox
Rider Appearance: Helmet looks like your kitsune mask, if it were a full helmet. Where the eyes are, there's a visor (I like visors). It's a skin-tight carmine suit with lavender highlights (see the lines of Mega Man's body in the next Super Smash Bros game, those are where the highlights are on her body). The lavender gloves and boots go up to her shoulders and thighs respectively. There are also tiny compartments at the wrists of the gloves, in the soles of her shoes, inside the top of the boots, and in the ears of her helmet for tiny objects like lockpicks, smokescreens, etc.
Powers and Abilities: In addition to the superhuman strength/endurance, Ami gains trickster-themed powers. She can shapeshift into any person that she's seen (though her impersonation is entirely up to her- which she often fails at, and transformations are often imperfect if she doesn't know every detail of a person's body). Her other powers cannot be used while shapeshifting. She can also throw her voice at will, as long as there's a clear line to where she needs to throw it (otherwise, it may hit the wrong target). She can also walk on walls and ceilings with ease.
Special Weapon: Retractable claws that come from her sentai suit's knuckles (there are holes in the gloves to accommodate). The claws are resistant to extreme heat, and do not conduct electricity, nor are they ferrous- and thus, aren't subject to magnets.
Spoiler : OOC :
... wow, I ended up creating two rogue-ish characters. ^_^;; Totally unintentional.
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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by Wackyman »

Trama blinked in confusion. "Uh, just Trama is fine, I guess. I don't really like people being too formal with me." The casual greeting turned into an awkward moment as she didn't know how to progress the conversation. She didn't want to bring up the topic of the Riders as she wanted to get to know her fellow teammates in a light outside their line of duty, but it was the only way to save the conversation.

"Have you seen any of those weird aliens lately? I haven't seen them in a while. It's a blessing really, but I'm a bit paranoid," she admitted.
SS Sleuth and I are the same person.
gotMLK7 fashioned the Trama picture below out of female skulls.

[3/19/14 11:31:48 PM] Ultimate Butt-Rubber (Gumpei): on the other hand you could try playing with your balls submerged in icy water
[3/19/14 11:31:51 PM] Nick (Hodou): yeah I'm thinking that's the idea.

Check out my first trial co-created with Dypo_deLina Firing up the Turnabout!
Call me Wacky.

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Re: [RP] Justice Riders: Planetary Defenders! (Mission Start

Post by gotMLK7 »

Spoiler : @Ami :
Accepted, though Flash is...interesting. But hey, if a ten-year-old became the Blue Ranger in Power Rangers Turbo, I can believe AI teddy bear sentai people. Welcome to the Riders.
Hersh/Fiendy has credit for the amazing GiGi pics and enigma has credit for the adorable Kenshin Mega Man sprite!

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