[RP] Alone in the Universe

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[RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by Sleuth »

Spoiler : Introduction :
Space. Vast, endless, and cold.

Beautiful comets and faraway galaxies zip past the windows as you stare into the infinite from your prison cell window. Around you, the other prisoners murmur, grumble, weep, and sit, contemplating their fates while the guards' footsteps echo through the ship. The Maximum Security Prison Transport Ship speeds through space like an asteroid full of imprisoned criminals, arrested and restrained in their cells. Each prisoner here has been found guilty of terrible crimes, and now, truly guilty or not, they slowly descend to their new home.

The planet comes into view-- Gray and dry, with cracks of red lava coursing across the earth, as if the whole thing threatened to crumble in on itself at any second. Plants could be seen, just as gray and cold as anything else-- And as the ship drew closer, you can see shattered buildings and desolate ruins as far as the eye can see. There's a large ring around the planet, a beautiful pale ring that the ship heads straight towards-- And as it grows closer, it becomes apparent that the ring surrounding the planet is not made of mere asteroids and space dust, but millions upon millions of satellites, all shining bright lights down on the planet, watching from orbit.

"Now arriving at Planet X4329. Landing shall commence shortly. Please brace and adjust for atmospheric transition."

"Alright prisoners," A voice calls through the ship's speakers, "This is your last stop. You have each been given rations and a supply kit that will last you however long you make it last. Your restraints and cell doors will open automatically when you reach the planet. Remember that should you attempt to escape, the Automated Satellite Security Ring will incapacitate any attempted off-world transport, and if necessary, eliminate you. This planet is your new home, for now until you die. And for those who don't wish to wait, a Death Capsule has been added along with your supply kit. It's our final kindness to you. Now, with all that said and done..."

You feel your cell shudder and shake, as the rest of the ship suddenly begins to shrink away from you.

"The Empire of Andromeda bids you farewell."

With that, you and your cell suddenly rocket off, spiraling down towards the planet rapidly, a drag chute popping outside your window as you break through the atmosphere. The cell's descent slows as you go from hurtling to drifting down, gently-- The Prison Ship is already speeding off far into the distance, trails of energy fading away as the only starship for miles rockets far out of reach. The stars overhead slowly fade away, as you sink further towards Planet X4329.

Where you will end up on this desolate, dying planet is unknown. The only things you have left are a kit of supplies, a few months worth of rations, and your wit and will to survive. All you know for sure is that out here, on this wasted, dying world, you are totally, and truly, alone... Or are you? Out the window you can still see them-- The other prisoners, floating towards the ground like dandelion dust. As you and the others float slowly towards the ground, you realize, that you may all be left here to die alone...

But at least you're alone together.
Alone In The Universe

Alone In The Universe is an AAO Original RP not based on any previously existing franchises. It centers around general sci-fi elements and world-building.
Players will join as prisoners sentenced to live out the rest of their days on a lone, dying planet, and their attempts to escape the dying planet before it kills them all. They have 13 in-game days to escape the world, which will be advanced by GM.
- Up to 3 Characters per player
- OCs only
- No godmods, bunnying, etc
- All Hail Sleuth

The Prisoners:
Arrested and found guilty by the Andromeda Empire, the prisoners can be any kind of alien, human, or android the player wishes. All that must be done is to provide an explanation of the species in the application. Species taken from pre-existing works, i.e. Klingons, Daleks, Jar Jar Binks, will not be accepted. If you're not certain how your species/character fits, then feel free to ask.

Prisoners each begin with a Supply Kit and a Box Of Rations. Be sure to use these as you see fit, whether you want to build a fort or go skiing or whatever.
The Supply Kit contains:
Spoiler : Supply Kit :
- A mini-laser
- An expandable Slleeping Box
- 6 feet of Rope
- A First-Aid Pack
- A Map of the Planet
- A Cuddle Bear
- A Death Capsule
Players will begin being dropped into a zone of their choosing from the following areas:
- Black Forest
- Frozen Sea
- Buried Ruins
- Molten Peaks
- The Trench

Spoiler : Application :

Code: Select all

[b]Species:[/b] (Include description of species as well)
[b]Crime:[/b] (Reason for arrest and imprisonment)
[b]Starting Location:[/b]
Prison Roster:
Game will begin when 4 players minimum are accepted.
Eleanor Arania (gotMLK7) for Assassination and Treason.
Tatsuto Ayaba (gotMLK7) for Murder.
CL Model 1800 - T.W.E.E.D. (DLA) for Corruption.
Zeluix (GD) for Vandalism and Unlawful Eating
Rhu'ust "Russel" kah Th'rea (Alnar) for Murder, Destruction, and Theft
Grull Stonescorcher (TAR) for Resisting Arrest and Poaching
Kytsurkk Cor (TAR) for Smuggling and Selling Information
Nicole Brooks (Kwando) for Salami Slicing
Lord Table (DSY) for Treason
"Perry" (Sleuth) for Getting Knocked Here By Complete Accident
Last edited by Sleuth on Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:54 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by gotMLK7 »

Expect an app or two from me some time soon.
Hersh/Fiendy has credit for the amazing GiGi pics and enigma has credit for the adorable Kenshin Mega Man sprite!

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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by Master Of Chaos »

I'll be joining in on this too.
Writer. Roleplayer. Fighting Game Enthusiast. Professional Scumbag/Troll.
ShadowEdgeworth is my partner in crime. GuardianDreamer-san is my bestest buddy ever just ignore that conveniently hidden knife. Ami is the ultimate and most cuddly Senpai. And Patchu is my wife. I HAVE LEGAL PROOF!

Enjoy my short stories and other things relating to my roleplaying characters! (Link coming soon!)
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by gotMLK7 »

Spoiler : Eleanor Arania :
Name: Eleanor Arania (Birth name: Rara)

Species: Reptantian - The Reptantians are a humanoid species from Planet X7833. This planet is covered almost entirely in jungle, and houses many large, dangerous creatures; it is not a place one coud thrive without survival skills. The Reptantians are considered prey to many of the beasts living on X7833, but natural selection was kind to them, and they are expert survivalists by nature. The Reptantians are naturally flexible, and often aerobatic. They're experts at climbing, as they can secrete a strong sticky substance from the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet, allowing them to cling to walls and celings with ease. As they are rather quick, this is often used to scurry up into trees to make a swift escape. Reptantians are masters of stealth as well; their skin and hair can change colors to camouflage into a background, like a chameleon. Their teeth and claws are sharp for offensive mechanisms. They have large ears, and with them sensitive hearing; they can hear further than the average human with ease. This comes with a drawback, though, as they cannot handle particularly loud or sharp noises well. They also tend to be mesmerized by flashing or changing colors, and will often fall into a trance-likestate when exposed to them; their skin tends to start shifting colors as they're distracted by them. They're intelligent creatures, but not very sophisticated. They have a primitive, growling language (hence why many of their "names" are often simple sounds, such as Rara), and they live rather scattered in small packs. They are not the kind to settle down due to the constant danger they are used to. Despite their humanoid shape, they are often compared to felines; their stances are very similar to that of the common housecat, and they even tend to hiss similarly when threatened in the wild. Despite being rather harsh and defensive against other species, Reptantians are often considered rather cute; this is because, though they have similar lifespans to humans, their bodies are significantly smaller. An adult Reptantian has proportions similar to a human child, so those that have moved from their home planet and integrated into society tend to be mistaken for being much younger than they are. As they are small and animalistic in nature and therefore easy to overpower for intelligent beings, they are often poached and sold as pets or into slavery. They're intelligent enough to understand civilized society, though, and many that have been set free from slavery or have been overlooked by the government have integrated into society and even formed new, more domesticated generations.

Crime: Assassination of an allied leader, treason

Bio: Image
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 3'9"
Long hair, naturally orange but capable of changing colors. Large, orange eyes. She wears the remnants of some of her old military gear, particularly a battered tank top, cargo pants, and a rather large belt. She keeps her hands and feet bandaged to prevent accidentally secreting the fluids they produce when she doesn't want to. She sometimes wears a tattered brown cloak to protect herself in bad weather. Appears significantly younger in terms of typical age than she is. She is often noted as being rather stoic, likely due to her training.

Eleanor, born Rara, lived on Planet X7833 until she was 8 years old. She and most of her pack was kidnapped by poachers from the Andromeda Empire at that age, and they were sold on the black market as slaves. Rara was bought by a sleazy gangster and was put to work cleaning up his messes for six months. Finally, she was saved when the military raided the gangster's home on suspicion of conspiring against the empire and housing dangerous weapons. A kind old military officer found her after apprehending her owner and brought her to an orphanage. Not long later, the man, a human named General Ivan Arania, retired from the military and adopted Rara himself to take of with his wife. She was renamed and took on his family surname, becoming Eleanor Arania.

Eleanor grew up for most of her life under the care of the Arania family, and this was the happier time in her life. The Aranias were older and very kind to Eleanor, treating her as they would their own child. They taught her how to speak their language and how to behave in society and doted on her. Eleanor was already a rather smart girl, having picked up some basic skills from her prior work, and she caught onto things very quickly. She was able to speak decently fluid English by age 11. She grew an admiration for the military rather quickly sprouting from her initial rescue and fed by stories from her father of his heroic escapades. She was fairly certain even at a young age that she would eventually grow up and join the military like her father, even if her mother was hesitant about it.

Eleanor attended school through her teens, but was also receiving basic combat lessons from her father so she could prepare for military training. When she was 19 years old, she officially joined the military. She was rather swiftly met with patronizing attitudes because of her stature, and at first was rather upset about not being taken seriously because of it, but she grew numb to it over time. She proved her skills quickly, as her innate abilities as a Reptantian mixed with her father's lessons made her a praiseworthy soldier, and she was able to dillute some of the discourse coming her way from her comrades as a result. She was put out into battle officially by age 20, and was noted among her allies as an expert in stealth and ellimination. She was respected by her higher-ups and was even promoted by age 21. The job was admittedly tougher than she anticipated, and she did at times need to be helped through the anxiety that comes with killing, but her passion for the military helped her pull through.

At age 23, Eleanor was assigned to a squad meant to protect the Duke of Asolon, an influential figure from a planet that had recently allied itself with the Andromeda Empire. The Duke feared assassination and, with a relatively small military of his own, seeked the empire for help, suggesting it as a show of good will between them. The plan was for Eleanor's squad to watch guard around the Duke's hideout and stop any would-be assassins, and Eleanor herself stood watch just outside the front door. Eventually, Eleanor heard a scuffle inside, followed by the Duke's screaming. She entered the building to find her comrades with him dead and himself squirming in blood on the floor. The Duke saw her and begged her to finish him off, screaming that the assassins found a way in and murdered her allies and attacked him, and that he was slowly and painfully dying from the injuries. He begged and screamed at her to finish him off so he didn't have to die slowly until she finally, and very reluctantly, complied, shooting him in the head.

Unfortunately, Eleanor was caught in a snare. She reported what happened, but despite the blood, the Duke was found to be otherwise unharmed. Furthermore, the other guards were killed by Andromeda Empire equipment. Eleanor herself was arrested as the assassin of the Duke of Asolon, as she was the only one that harmed him and was confirmed to have shot him. In Eleanor's trial, the defense provided evidence to suggest the Duke himself had faked his attack, having his own troops kill his guards and cover himself in blood that was not his own to fake his being attacked, coaxing Eleanor into finishing him off to accuse her of assassination. Previous evidence showed that the Duke was a harsh critic of the Andromeda Empire, even having once stated he'd give his own life before he allied himself with them, and the defense argued that he did so to create discord between his own kingdom and the empire from which the assassin originated. However, this accusation against a respected figure of the kingdom was unheard of, and it seemed likely that going public with such accusations would surely create discord and a new war to break out between the two governments. It would be politically easier to distance the killer and to make amends from there. Seeing it fit to simply make things easier for everybody, Eleanor finally decided to plead guilty. Regardless of the Duke's plans, she still saw that she committed a war crime in murdering an allied leader, even if it was merely a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Eleanor Arania was found guilty of treason towards allies of the Empire and of the assassination of the Duke of Asolon. She was sentenced to imprisonment on Planet X4329 for her crimes. The incident was swiftly swept under the rug, the media using the assailant's origins as an uncivilized creature as an excuse for her behavior and citing her as a solitary conspirator against both governments. Civiized Reptantians saw a rise in discrimination as a result, but the relationship between governments was patched quickly and the case was quickly dropped from discussion. Eleanor herself has forced herself to accept her crime as her own, and with one last apology to her parents for all the trouble she caused (during which she tried and failed to fight back her tears), Eleanor was shipped off to her prison planet.

Starting Location: Black Forest
Spoiler : Tatsuto Ayaba :
Name: Tatsuto Ayaba

Species: Human

Crime: Murder?

Bio: Image
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Short black hair, a snazzy uniform that looks as though it belongs to students from an elite school. He has a kind smile and charming eyes. He's surprisingly more muscular than he appears to be. Overall, he seems your typical high school boy.

Tatsuto is a nice, cool person. Tatsuto in smart and analytical, though he can be pretty oblvious. Tatsuto is strong and athletic, great with a sword, and an expert fighter, despite spending most of his time being spent in his room. Tatsuto has hidden powerful potential, and he's thought to perhaps be the chosen one. Tatsuto is devoted to helping others as much as he can. Tatsuto also has a mysterious past he doesn't like to talk about, so people doubt him and what he says a lot. Tatsuto often attracts women, and he's had them confess their feelings to him more than a few times, though he too oblivious to realize what they often mean. Tatsuto isn't focused on those kinds of feelings, though, as he's too focused on enacting justice for his cruel past.

According to Tatsuto, his sister was murderer by an evil swordfighter from his rival school. However, since Tatsuto is looked down upon for his origins, the real killer has gone loose, and Tatsuto was instead punished and sent to Planet X4329 as a prisoner. Tatsuto promises that he will find a way to escape his prison, and find the real killer and bring them to justice, clearing his name. Other than this, he's perfectly normal.

Starting Location: Buried Ruins
Hersh/Fiendy has credit for the amazing GiGi pics and enigma has credit for the adorable Kenshin Mega Man sprite!

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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by DLA »

Spoiler : :
Name: CL Model 1800 - Titanium Wrought Economic Excellence Droid (goes by Tweed)
Species: Humanoid Robot - This model, having been designed for cognitive tasks rather than physical labor, has access to a vast database of knowledge, from history to science to politics. He does have the strength of an average human male and is probably aware of some fighting techniques, but does not have the same strength capabilities as construction robots and other industrial robots. Some of the parts within correspond to human organs, allowing him to eat food and drink things, though they are not necessary to keep him running. The monocle is purely for decorative purposes, as he is equipped with excellent vision. His right thumb is equipped with a cigar lighter.
He's got more girth than in the picture, and usually sports a black bowler hat.
Crime: Corruption, conspiracy to commit murder, accepting bribes, embezzlement.
Appearance: Image
Age: Designed to look like a human in their 50s or 60s, technically only 4 years old due to when he was built and whatnot.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Tweed was designed by Cogwick Labs to take the role of a robot mayor and restore the economy of a city going through hard times. The logic was that being a robot, he would make the best possible choices for the people without outside influence. Unfortunately for them, they didn't consider the fact that he had access to a wealth of the galaxy's knowledge and was a fast learner. Rather than make decisions to benefit the people, the robot went mad with power, accepting favors from intergalactic smuggling rings in exchange for allowing them to conduct business in the city, sending killdroids after his political rivals, and stealing funds from the city to add a cigar lighter attachment to his thumb among other extravagances. The robot, having damaged the city even worse than it was before he arrived, was put on trial, and despite an impressive legal defense, the company was given the choice of having him destroyed or sending him to prison. Being one of their most advanced creations, they decided on prison.
Starting Location: Buried Ruins
Last edited by DLA on Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Final but not so ending chapter.
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by Sleuth »

All accepted. Welcome 2 heck.
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by GuardianDreamer »

Spoiler : :
Name: Zeluix
Species: Slime - So you know those pathetic weaklings that you beat up in RPGs a lot so you can strengthen yourself before you face tougher foes? Yeah, that's a slime. Zeluix is specifically a blue slime that can change shape to any form he wants, his most common one being a somewhat humanoid-looking figure wearing armor that makes him look like some kind of slime knight (though he'd be rather short, four feet tall at most). Of course, there are multiple reasons why you'd never think that Zeluix is anything but a slime. For starters, he continues to leave behind a trail of blue slime wherever he goes, not to mention the fact that while he might try to convince himself that he can disguise himself well, the fact that he's always blue and slimy is kind of a giveaway. At best he could maybe disguise himself as a DIFFERENT blue slime. While Zeluix CAN change shape, there are limits to this. First of all, while in his normal appearance as a knight with his own lance and shield made out of himself, the lance doesn't really hurt that much (though it CAN pierce stuff) and using the shield is kind of pointless considering most physical attacks do next to nothing to him. Of course, here is the weakness: Zeluix has a crippling fear of fire, and just pointing a torch or lighter in his general direction is enough to get him to panic, and fire is the easiest way to kill a slime. Also, while Zeluix is very good at holding off an opponent (likely by tripping them up with slime and stuff or other dirty tricks) he's not used to violence at all and will make very poor decisions in combat as a result.

Crime: Stealing and consuming all the food for an important banquet, as well as vandalism.

Bio: From the start of his life, Zeluix was primarily concerned with one thing: food. While slimes in general are considered rather gluttonous, Zeluix took it to a whole other level and seemed constantly hungry. However, he always seemed relatively harmless and managed to get through his life without really getting into too much trouble, aside from the occasional restaurant owner getting on his case about eating all their food, which was always resolved one way or another. Then, more recently, Zeluix DID get himself in trouble by sneaking into a banquet a town mayor was holding, and proceeding to consume all the food that the mayor had prepared for his guests. While he left just as quickly, Zeluix had also accidentally vandalized the place by leaving a trail of slime everywhere. He didn't actually know how much the food cost, and the vandalism was entirely unintentional, but that argument didn't exactly hold up when he was arrested (there weren't many blue slimes in town who could have done it).

If it sounds like Zeluix is primarily considered with himself and food only, well... Yeah, that's kind of right. He's very simpleminded and struggles to see the big picture most of the time. Even now, he doesn't quite realize how much trouble he's really in. It's very easy to trick him, and he is an incredibly poor liar. Also, for various reasons, a lot of people think of him as fairly annoying, so he isn't exactly the universe's best negotiator. Perhaps his biggest flaw is the fact that he tends to get involved in stuff he has no business being a part of, which is bad news when surrounded by criminals. In addition, while he CAN put up a decent fight if absolutely forced to, it is very easy to get him to run away from you just by acting threatening enough.

Here are some positive traits that apply to Zeluix: while selfish and antagonistic when it comes to food, it is hard to call him evil (annoying, yes). He is incredibly unlikely to stab anyone in the back. It is almost impossible for him to hold a grudge against anyone that lasts longer than five minutes. Also, he has an unusual amount of luck, which sounds strange considering his current situation, but he's managed to get out relatively unscathed from situations that by all rights should have ended a lot worse for him. It's also very easy to get him to cheer up even when he feels down.

Starting Location: Molten Peaks
Hosted The Year of Luigi competition (and here's the awards ceremony).
Current AAO projects (to be completed eventually, probably, hopefully): A Silly Little Dream (hopefully 2024), My Dearest Direst Disgrace (hopefully 2025)
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Make My Life Worse
Malleus Maleficarum: The Witch of San Ignacio
The Six Transgender Lesbian Goddesses of Love Are Having A Petty Argument, So They Try To Settle Things Alongside The Three Transgender Gay Gods of Flavor
Defend Him, Not Me!
The Guardian and the Dreamer
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by Sleuth »

i'll start the RP shortly. Any further entries can join following the introductions and stuff. Apps will always be open, so no rush.

Edit: im putting my app in here because I want to avoid clutter. Screw it.
Spoiler : The Watcher :
Name: Perry
Species: "7th Generation Tactical Watchover Security Droid", which is just a fancy way of saying "Robot".
Crime: Falling down from the Satellite Defense System
Bio: First activated 600 years ago when his predecessor broke down, Tactical Watchover Security Droid "Hyperion", or "Perry" for short, has been tasked with only one thing for the past 600 years-- Watching over Prison Planet X4329 from aboard the Satelites surrounding it. For 600 years, he's watched, alone, monitoring the planet and submitting reports to the Andromeda Empire. He figured he'd do this for until he either broke down or was destroyed. Without much to do, Perry figured there was only one thing to do: Gaming. And thus, Perry began trashing noobs and getting gud as he carved out his legacy. With literally nothing better to do, Perry broke leaderboards across the galaxy, having rekt scrubs across the galaxy.

However, one day, a large asteroid strayed a bit too close to the planet, and before he knew it, Perry's patrol satellite was knocked straight down into the atmosphere, quickly stranding him on X4329. The systems were shattered, his communicators stuck up in the Satellite ring, and worst of all, his game systems were out of charge. Now Perry seeks a way off the prison planet, back to the satellite ring to do his job. Or at least back to his video games.

Starting Location: Frozen Sea
Last edited by Sleuth on Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by Alnar »

Spoiler : The Little Red One :
Name: "Russell", formerly known as Rhu'ust kah Th'rea
Crime: Murder of his master and master's family, destruction of property, theft of a pack of cigarettes.
Species: Torghan - A humanoid race that resembles dwarves, the Torghan are known to be short, stocky, and incredibly durable; built for surviving the harsh and rocky environment of their home planet, Torj. The planet itself does not rotate and thus half of the planet is burning in the heat of day while the other is cast in an icy shadow of darkness. As it orbits around its star, Torj's climate on both its sides would switch places, causing drastic changes, though this only happens once in an equivalent of 3 Earth years, as the planet orbits slowly. Torghan's themselves are born on the hot side of the planet Torj, and this has made them highly resilient to heat of all kinds. However, this means prolonged exposure to low temperatures would prove lethal to them. As such, Torghan's would either migrate to the other side of the planet during the change, or in recent years, retreat deep underground and close to the planet's core for heat. They have long lifespans, often reaching up to 200 human years should they never leave their planet.
In terms of capabilities, Torghan's are highly skilled in anything involving rocks, earth, dirt, and heat. They're naturally attuned to the earth allows them to craft just about anything out of stones and metals. This makes them exceptional craftsmen in the galaxy and this skill is seen as an asset to many races. They are excellent rock climbers and miners, having created a settlement beneath the earth of Torj for them to retreat to when the time comes for climate change. Torghan's have remarkable strength and endurance, able to continually strain themselves for hours on end without getting exhausted. A Torghan is also capable of surviving several days feeding only on rocks and minerals. However, Torghan's cannot survive for long in low temperatures. So much as touching ice would feel like a burn to them, icy water may as well be their equivalent to lava.
For other races however, Torghan's are a popular choice for slave labor due to their skills and resilience. Many times over, the planet of Torj was raided by another race and its people taken by slave traders, bandits, and forced colonization. Thankfully, the harsh climates of Torj have forced these races away after time, so a permanent colonization has never happened. Still, many Torj are taken each time and sold into slavery on other planets. Prominent families in other planets are known to have a Torghan slave that is passed down throughout the family line until its death.
Age: 102
Gender: Male
Height: 4'2"
Appearance: Rhu'ust, like any Torghan, resembles a human dwarf. He's big-jawed and thick-browed, with dull, red-orange skin of a harsh, sandy texture. His hair is ash-colored and messy, having a medium length that partly covers his large forehead. He has a crooked nose, fiery orange eyes, and high cheekbones. Combine this with a scar that pretty much looks like a crack on his right cheek and menacing eyes and Rhu'ust looks like he was born to look like a criminal.
Rhu'ust wears a faded yellow tunic underneath a dirt brown leather vest with short sleeves reaching just a little past his shoulders. He wears loose, dark gray pants tucked into his black boots that have mud stains on them. Attached Rhu'ust's right forearm is a rusty iron cuff with a broken chain he decided to wrap around his arm. Around his neck is a broken shock collar that was used by his former master.

For Torghan, how one's life would end up was a matter of luck. For many, it was "Born a Torghan, live a slave.", while for others, they were lucky enough to live their entire life on their planet, or on rare occasion, among other species on friendlier planets. The Th'rea Clan, to which Rhu'ust was born, was once a proud clan of Torghan warrior-smiths, crafting tools and weapons for the underground settlement of Torj while also defending it should a raid happen. The time of Rhu'ust's birth had led many to believe he was destined for great things, for few Torghan young survive when born during the climate change. Though this was mostly just superstition among the older Torghan, their people needed numbers to survive after each raid and any child was a blessing to them. Rhu'ust lived his early years as normal as it could get, helping his clan do its job. He would have been fine with this, a normal life was a blessing for any Torghan.
When Rhu'ust was 32 human years of age, Torj was once again raided by slave traders. The Th'rea clan was part of the effort to repel the raiders. Of course, this meant Rhu'ust being in the front lines of the defense. As with any raid, the Torghan would guard the entrance to the settlement from attacks until the raiders left. How long the raiders stayed often varied, but none have stayed longer than 3 years, as this is the longest any raid could last before the drastic change in climate would take place. For many days did they defend their home, and each time they were attacked, their numbers dwindled. Rhu'ust, the proud warrior he was, fought and fought, determined not to let anyone take him or any Torghan within the settlement. Just as he was the last Torghan standing, the climate began to change. The raiders rushed to leave, but not without knocking Rhu'ust out cold and taking him aboard their ship. By the time he awoke, he was far from home.
Not long after, Rhu'ust was sold into slavery. He came to serve under a prominent family and armsdealer in the Andromeda Empire. His master, Cesaire Le Chien, decided to name him Russell, as he had trouble pronouncing his real name. This was the start of Russell's deep hatred for the man, as being stripped of one's name was the greatest insult one could give to any Torghan. He had lost his pride as a warrior and the pride of his name. He was tasked with just about any task Cesaire could think of, from washing the dishes, digging holes, and cleaning after the pets. Any sort of mundane thing that Master Cesaire and family could do, they had instead given to Russell and they had not made it easy for him. He was nothing more than a tool and a pet to them, mistreated on several occasions and punished with cold water for even the slightest mistake. At one point a shock collar was attached to him to help control his violence, as his master was familiar with his past. This went on for seventy long years, Russell's hatred only growing deeper with each passing.
Then one day, the entire Le Chien family was killed and their mansion was destroyed. Russell, the prime suspect caught smoking a cigarette the next block over, stood accused of the crime and he made no effort to defend himself from the charges, even pleading guilty in front of the judge. And thus, he was sent to live the rest of his days on Planet X4329. Some say he left the courtroom with a smile on his face.

Starting Location: Frozen Sea
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by The Ash Raichu »

Spoiler : Grull Stonescorcher :
Name: Grull Stonescorcher

Species: Troll - A humanoid species boasting tough, bright orange hides, a rapid growth rate, and (usually) quite a bit of muscle mass. They also have much smaller ears than humans, beady eyes, no discernible nose, and large fangs on the bottom lip that curve upward. A troll's height can range anywhere from one foot to more than twenty-five feet tall, depending on age. A troll's lifespan can also be incredibly long, reaching into the thousands of human years. Most notably, black rocks and stones seem to grow out of a troll's body as it ages, with larger rocks belonging to older trolls. These rocks tend to grow out of the chin, arms, shins, and back, although rocks growing out of other locations like the palms of the hands isn't unheard of.

Trolls can thrive in almost any environment, although they tend to prefer rocky areas like canyons and caves. Trolls have scattered across multiple planets, including a small population on Earth. They are voracious eaters, most living by this creed: "Trojak ur Ron, Ron ur Trojak," which roughly translates into "Live to eat, eat to live." A troll's appetite consists of almost anything it can get its hands on. Rocks, plants, small* animals (dead or otherwise), metal, and other trolls if deemed necessary. Although, while they're very physically strong, tough, and can eat almost anything, most of them are horribly lacking in intelligence. This can lead to them being easily tricked, but also easily enraged.

Crime: Destruction of Property, Poaching, Resisting Arrest, Assaulting Officers

Gender: Trolls don't really have genders, as they produce offspring asexually, although Grull will answer to male pronouns.
Age: 87 human years
Appearance: See the description above. He has a tuft of crimson hair on the top of his head, his eyes are lavender, he's a little more than eight feet tall, and his rocky growths aren't terribly large, but still noticeable. He wears a pair of brown shorts that may or may not be made entirely of animal hide, held up by a belt that may or may not be just a rope.

Grull is on the smarter end of the troll intelligence spectrum, comprehending and speaking rudimentary English, and capable of crafting and utilizing primitive weapons like spears. Most of the time, however, he prefers brute strength. Like when he was wandering through a forest looking for some game to eat. Sure enough, he found a good-size deer and clubbed it to death. He figured where there was one, there absolutely had to be more, so he went looking for the magical place where all the deer congregated, only to stumble upon a human town. With the deer corpse slung over Grull's shoulder, a lot of red flags immediately went up about this giant orange thing that showed up.

So naturally, a few of the more paranoid and xenophobic denizens tried to have Grull apprehended for poaching. The local force believed this, but Grull wasn't too happy about the situation. Grull actively resisted arrest, battering away anyone who tried to even touch him, much less detain him. In his rampage, a few houses and even the Town Hall ended up taking a bit of damage. It took an impressive number of stun guns to finally get Grull to calm down. His trial was short, sweet, and he was definitely found guilty. Now, he's just off to whatever's next.

Trojak ur Ron, Ron ur Trojak.

Starting Location: Molten Peaks

*Small in comparison to the troll in question
Spoiler : Kytsurkk Cor :
Name: Kytsurkk Cor

Species: Asulean - Asuleans come from planet X3498. Most of the planet is a grassland-esque environment, which Asuleans thrive in. The average lifespan is a bit shorter than humans, lasting roughly 55 years. Asuleans are quadrupedal, stand at roughly 4'7" when fully grown, and have large wings. The average Asulean's wingspan is about 9'8", again when fully grown. The male and female Asuleans are distinguished primarily from their wings. Females have complex, multicolored patterns on their wings, which the males lack. They also come in a wide variety of colors, ranging from oranges, to greens, to blues, to purples. The most common color of Asulean is pastel green. Their heads are comparable to a sauropod's, except for the lack of teeth and the horns jutting out of the sides of their heads. Their front paws are large and come equipped with sharp claws. The horns and claws are primarily defense mechanisms. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, they all have curly tails that make them adorable!

Asuleans are herbivores (their saliva is packed with enzymes that excel in breaking down plant matter), and inquisitive by nature, if easily startled. Asuleans are blessed with great mobility, and use it to their advantage. Their four-legged build makes them fast on land, while their large wings make them very capable in the air. They prefer to stay out of water, however. They will only ever fight anyone if it's absolutely necessary.

Another thing the Asuleans have going for them is their remarkable ability to learn and retain information. Within a few weeks of being introduced to a new society, Asuleans can learn the native tongue of the land well enough that others may think they've lived there their whole lives. In fact, since they're so great at integrating themselves into new places, a lot of them have taken up work as messengers, acting as a sort of postal service.

Crime: Handling and Smuggling of Illegal Goods, Selling of Military Secrets

Gender: Male
Age: 9 human years
Appearance: See description of species above. He's not quite fully grown, and stands at about 4'3". Bright turquoise, with orange eyes, claws, and bands on the horns. Wings are dark teal and orange. Wears no clothing items other than an orange V-shaped collar, signifying he works, or rather worked, in the Asulean Message Service. (Hereby shortened to AMS)

Kytsurkk worked in the AMS for most of his life. For an Asulean, he's still rather young, excitable, and naive. He loves nothing more than to give his wings a good stretch, and the satisfaction of a job well done. Unfortunately, while Asuleans are fast learners, Kytsurkk couldn't figure out when he'd been tricked fast enough. Six human years into his modest career, he was tricked into delivering military-grade weapons to the black market. Don't ask. The broker then decided to start blackmailing poor Kytsurkk. If he ever let word out that this incident happened, the broker would personally find him and strip him of everything he ever worked for.

Kytsurkk worked under this broker for about seven weeks before figuring out that the punishment for smuggling of most of the black market items would probably actually be better than working under the broker, in the sense that white torture was better than being waterboarded. Kytsurkk hatched a plan to get himself caught but make it look like an accident. Lo and behold, it worked. He pleaded guilty for the crimes listed above, and started hoping this planet would be a step up from working under the broker.

He also got to keep his stylish AMS collar. Little joys, right?

Starting Location: The Trench
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by kwando1313 »

hi i have an app
Spoiler : Nicole Brooks :
Name: Nicole Brooks
Species: Human
Crime: Salami slicing, fraud

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Appearance: Slightly above average height, standing at 5' 5". She has medium-long blonde hair, going up to about two inches below her armpits. She's got blue eyes and is fair skinned. She got black thick rimmed glasses. (like so) She wears a white dress-shirt, with a black skirt. So, basically, think a preppy secretary.

Nicole grew up in a poorer family. Her neighbourhood wasn't... exactly filled with the greatest of people, so she had to learn how to handle herself in fights as well. But she knew that she definitely didn't want to stay in this predicament. As a result, she studied hard, and through some luck and hard work, she got a degree in finances, and, eventually a job with the government. However, with this newfound job, acquaintances of her family began trying to ask for favours, through her connections, and they were made offers that they just couldn't refuse.

Eventually, it got to the point where they were asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars - money that she could in no way afford with her salary. As a result, she started fudging up the numbers in her transactions - a few pennies off of all the transactions that she processed every day. She was successful in this, but... Her boss, growing suspicious of her accounts, audited her, and found out that she had been skimming money off of the government for the last few years.

Normally, this type of crime wouldn't warrant such a harsh penalty, but, upon further investigation, they found out that these "acquaintances" were using this money to fuel various inter-galactic gang wars. Oops. She was found unanimously guilty, and sent off to Planet X4329...

She's a pretty nice person overall. She's got a knack with numbers, and she knows how to defend herself well. She's a bit suspicious of people to begin with, but that doesn't stop her from treating them with respect.

Starting Location: Black Forest
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by DSY »

Spoiler : The Greatest App of all time :
Name: Lord Table
Species: Table Masters:
Table Masters are an advance race of magical tables that exist in a peaceful society on their magical planet Smiles and Butterflies.Table Masters are also Masters of the mind and move around via telekinesis which they also use to pick things up. Being that tables have no mouths they talk with telepathy.
Crime: Suspected Treason of the Andromeda Empire: The Table Masters do not believe in a need of a giant super prison in space and had suspicions that not all of the people thrown into the prison even deserved to be be there. (lighter sentences or even straight up not guilty)
Bio:Lord Table is a proud member of the Table Masters. As it happens Lord isn't just his rank it is also his first name. And Every Table Masters's last name is Table of course. Lord Table is a generally cheery Table who like most of the other Tables Masters typically likes helping people. He's got an amazingly deep voice, filled with determination and unwavering bravery, that makes him sound like he always has something important to say, even when he doesn't. Despite not having to get into to many fights on his home planet (and despite being a table) he is quiet brave and always willing to help out. However Lord Table can be a bit absorbed in his own world and can be a bit forgetful as you do when you're a table. And 83 years old (in human years).
Appearance: Lord Table looks like a Wooden Table wearing a red top hat on one of it's corners. He also floats with magical mind powers, how else is he gonna move?
Starting Location: Black Forest
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by Sleuth »

Alone In The Universe - Day 1/7

You feel your prison cell hit the ground and stop moving. A loud hiss fills the air as the cell walls slowly fall away, letting in the harsh, noxious air of Planet X4329. The aforementioned Survival Kit pops out of a wall on the cell, and any restraints on your person suddenly click open and fall off.

You've landed. Welcome to Planet X4329.

Let the story begin.
Spoiler : Location Guide :
- Black Forest: Eleanor, Nicole, Lord Table
- Frozen Sea: "Russel", "Perry"
- Buried Ruins: Tatsuto, T.W.E.E.D.
- Molten Peaks: Zeluix, Grull
- The Trench: Kytsurkk
Spoiler : Black Forest :
You find your cell covered almost entirely by a thick, murky black ooze; the door barely manages to slide open against the force of the thick black tar, which seems to be oozing and flowing all around the forest. The trees, once tall and proud, now wilt and droop as far as the eye can see, and everything from the branches to the undergrowth is swallowed by the tar, which seems to give the forest its name. There are precious few places untouched by the ooze, and the air is filled with the sound of gurgling and churning of the soul-sucking ooze. Nearby, you can see a creature, something akin to a mammoth, laying motionless, covered in the ooze. Its flesh is rotted, indicating that it's been there for some time. You hear a strange buzzing nearby and find that an entire swarm of flies is stuck, buzzing helplessly in vain to escape.

have fun
Spoiler : Buried Ruins :
As soon as the cell door opens, you feel a rush of hot sand blast you in the face. A sandstorm is raging just outside your little cell, and you can hardly make out anything through the blistering winds. After a moment, the winds die down, and you can see the full expanse of the ruins-- what appears to have once been a village stands in the distance, a few sand-covered huts still standing. On the opposite side, an ancient palace, with crumbling walls and shattered pillars, stands proud, like a warrior having died on its feet. There appear to be many ways into the palace, due to the countless holes, but looking carefully, you can spy some fresh-looking bodies lying near some of the walls.

have fun
Spoiler : Molten Peaks :
As your door creaks open, the first thing you feel is the heat. You can see bursts of lava popping through the crust, shooting into the air like orange geysers. Small "islands" of stone and granite have formed with flows of lava in between, and in the distance, the streams of lava coalesce into a huge, rumbling lava fall. Around the lava appear to be several bones and robotic legs being melted in the streams. The ground shudders frequently, as if threatening to crumble apart at any second-- The whole area feels like a massive wound in the planet, bleeding lava. You can see fragments of what were likely once buildings, carved into the rock, abandoned, and half-sunken into the lava. One of the long broken down signs reads something, in Andromedan, reading "Research Lab". The melted lab sits there near the lavafall, like a sad rock.

have fun
Spoiler : Frozen Sea :
Your cell cracks against the thick sheet of ice-- Every motion seems to cause cracks in the ice. Through the sheet of ice, you can see shadows of creatures darting to and fro, waiting for something to slip under the ice. As far as the eye can see is an expanse of pure white ice, off to the horizon. A few icy mountains can be seen in the distance, but other than that, the land is barren. Before you can start enjoying the scenery too much, you feel a thick layer of frost already forming on your face, growing thicker by the second. You feel the cell shudder, the ice around starting to give way beneath.

have fun
Spoiler : The Trench :
Your cell floats down below the sea level, into what appears a deep, dark crack in the ground. As the mouth of the rocks rise above you, slowly closing around the sun, you notice that the glimmers of sunlight is replaced by shadows and the hiss of gas streams, shooting from the ground. The gas vents hiss and swirl around you, filling the air-- Until you realize that you've stopped descending, and are, in fact, floating atop the continuous streams of white smoke. Out the window, you see that similarly, much debris is floating, caught between Before you can open the cell door, however, you glimpse something moving; a shadow in the gas, which quickly speeds towards your window, becoming a large, eel-like creature, swimming through the gases. It presses its large, toothy maw against the door, before deciding your cell isn't edible, and vanishes as quickly as it had come. It seems this gas has some interesting properties.

have fun
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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by Alnar »


The loud sound of the cell detaching itself from the ship woke the dwarf from his slumber. The stark white floor glared into his eyes as they adjusted to the brightness. He had fallen asleep from the long journey, finding himself sitting on the bench bed with his hands bound by highly advanced restraints. This was probably their smartest move. Leaving a Torghan in a cell without restraining their hands was just the same as leaving the cell door wide open for them.

The dwarf didn't bother getting off the bench to see the view of the planet. On foot, he'd have to stand on the tips of his toes just to get a full view out of the window. Looks like the ship architect didn't consider a Torghan being in one of the cells. Though the people were kind enough to provide him with a small platform to help him get on the bench. From where he was sitting, he could see outside just fine, albeit from a limited perspective. Slowly, his cell was approaching the planet, one where he would live the rest of his miserable existence on. Free from one prison, trapped in another. Whichever one was worse, he was about to find out.

His cell broke through the atmosphere and began to shake. The chains wrapped around the dwarf's arm began to rattle and the stepping platform tumbled around the cell. Still, he sat there, his weight tossed around every few seconds as he observed the outside of his cell. It was white, brighter than the cell's floors. Tiny crystals floating in the air, sticking to the surface of the window for a moment before melting away from the generated heat. It was a pretty sight.

Up until the dwarf realized what it was.

"Schist." he cursed, getting off his bench. He kicked the stepping platform to the window and confirmed his fears as he looked out. All around him was certain death.

"Of course, I'm sent here to live until I die, I might as well die right as I land huh?" he said, staring at all the snow and ice around him. He might as well be looking at the other side of his home planet, Torg. One side burned by the sun and home to Torghan, the other side frozen in the darkness, a land that meant death for them. It was common for criminal Torghan deemed too dangerous for society to be exiled to the frozen half of Torg, never to be seen again. In a way, this is exactly what happened to him. To dangerous to be in society, he was exiled to a dying planet and as if by the will of the gods themselves, he happens to land on a frozen wasteland.

Frost started gathering at the window, and the dwarf stumbled back, nearly falling off the platform. The cell hit the ground with the sound of cracking ice. His restraints popped right off and the survival kit shot out of the wall and landed right on his head.

"Gragh! You little schist." he shouted, pushing the box off of him and getting back on his feet. The cell began to hiss as it began to equalize pressure with the atmosphere. Not too long now and those walls would fall apart. The sense of impending doom The dwarf got his hands to work, opening the kit and shifting through its contents looking for something, anything, to work with.

Sleeping Box? No, he didn't want to place himself in a coffin.

Rope? He didn't have the height to hang it off the ceiling.

Med-kit? All the drugs in the world wouldn't save him from dying. Though he'd probably have a wonderful experience.

Stuffed Bear? What the hell was he going to do with that? Wish the frost away and hug it? Yeah, no. He'd sooner burn the damn thing for a fire.

His hands came to stop on a tiny gumball-sized capsule. From the looks of it, this was that Death Capsule the warden was going on about earlier. How did he put it? they're final "kindness". To be fair, anything would be better than the pain of slowly dying to frost, and this capsule was tempting. It'd be much easier than trying to find his way off this frozen wasteland.

That was when the cell walls started to collapse, breaking his train of thought. He was starting to feel cold, soon enough frost would be gathering all over his skin and he'd be paralyzed with pain.

"Damn it all, if I'm going to die, I'm not going out because I couldn't handle a little frost. Screw this." he said, jamming the capsule back into the box. As the box shook from the force, a small cylinder with a button on it came into view, peeking out from underneath the planet map. The dwarf took it in his hands and pressed the button. Immediately, a laser shot out the tip and burned a tiny mark onto the floor.

The dwarf smiled.

Frost was starting to form on his clothes, he was starting to get painfully chilly. He didn't have much time to work with and he needed to get warm fast. The dwarf's hand fumbled around the for the medkit and opened it up. Sure enough, there was some alcohol in it. He took the bottle out and set it near him. He took the laser and used it to slice off a portion of the rope and then sliced that portion in half, enough to wrap around both his arms. He took the bottle of alcohol and poured a generous amount of it on both ropes, dousing them in the substance. Once they were nice and tightly wrapped around his arms, he once again took the laser and aimed it at the end of the rope. The laser set both the rope and the alcohol on fire, and the surge of warmth melted away the frost from the dwarf's skin.

He sighed with relief.

Now with both his arms on fire and plenty of alcohol left to keep it going, the dwarf packed most the things back into the survival kit, leaving out the map and the stuffed bear. With some of the rope, he fashioned a little noose for the bear hung it around his neck like an odd teddy bear necklace.

"Don't mistake this as a kindness, bear. You're my back-up fuel if these ropes ever burn away." he muttered, looking at the map and seeing if any place on this forsaken planet was safe for him. A few places on the map seemed inviting. Molten Peaks and Buried Ruins. Either of them would be a welcome change from this frozen hell. He put away the map and started walking.

No sooner had he taken one step off his cell when his foot made a crack in the ice. He frowned and looked to the floor. Underneath, creatures swam in the icy water, waiting for an unsuspecting prey to fall in and become its meal. Or maybe some of these creatures didn't wait and just shot out of the ice sometimes, he didn't want to stay and find out. All around him, he saw corpses of dead people. The unlucky ones who couldn't survive the freezing temperature. Judging by their sizes, quite a few of them were Torghan. The fact that he was standing here today meant that he was one of the lucky few to live. He looked down at the many corpses and smiled.

"Pfft. Amateurs." he said, kicking the corpses in his way as he carefully tread on the ice.


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Re: [RP] Alone in the Universe

Post by Sleuth »

9 Stars.

9 stars fell from the ship, down to the planet, floating like seeds down to the fertile soil. Only in this case the soil was a dying planet on the verge of collapse due to implode any day now. Perry watched, as he always did, his massive, chest-held eye zooming in on each as he scanned the cells for life. Unlike most times, however, Perry was not watching from his comfy satellite, high in orbit. This time, he watched from a yard-long block of ice barely keeping afloat whilst surrounded by icy cold water on all sides.

It had been about two days now since Perry had first fallen to the planet-- The first day was spent wrenching himself out of the rubble and performing enough repairs to move his circuits again. The next was spent walking, walking, and wondering how it was exactly, he could get so lost on a planet he'd spent his entire existence monitoring. Everything looked familiar, yet distant, like seeing a actor in person. You've seen them so many times, yet in person, they seem close yet unreal.

"To be engulfed so thoroughly by a planet I have watched from on high for centuries..." Perry mused, gazing over the sheet of white, "It is rather humbling."

"I see a fish. I see ice. This place sucks."

The voice responding was Perry's trusty co-pilot, Subconscious.exe. It was standard issue for most Droids nowadays-- The logic being that two weak AI covering for each other were easier than having to program one fully-formed AI.

"I see another fish. More ice. So boring. Can we die yet?"

"We must be patient. In our current predicament, inefficient movement would be... a poor decision."

"But if we sit here doing nothing, we're gonna freeze! Also, our hat is gonna freeze off. I see another fish."

That was true-- Perry's hand raised to the Stetson atop his head with alarm. He couldn't let anything happen to that.

"I see a PRISONER. According to the files they are a Torghan. Also, I see another fish."

Perry's singular robotic eye quickly homed in on the target; a prisoner's cell, which had landed on an area not too far away. It was the only one that had landed nearby-- He'd lost track of the other 8, so who knows where they were. Either way, they might be his only hope of escape; after all, they were just as desperate to escape as he was.

"Hmm, we have two options." Perry said, tipping his hat, "We can either talk to him and see if he'll help, or avoid him and continue being stranded on this ice."

"I see another fish. Or is it the same fish. Regardless it is fish in my sight."

"On the one hand, he IS a prisoner. Who knows what kind of atrocities they've committed? Sub, can you check the files and see what he's in for?"

"I see the fish again. He's trying to hide from me. Accessing files. Done."

"Ah... Murder. Intersting. Perhaps we should pretend to be a prisoner like him? Could we pull that off?"

"The fish appears to be mocking me. I will destroy fish and devour it."

"Perhaps it is worth a shot." Perry concluded. "I think I shall hail him. Any objections, Sub?"

"I see the Torghan. I see his bear. He has fire. The fish has left."

"Very well." Perry said, and began to heave his mechanical arms up to the sky. The large eye on his chest began to zone in towards the Torghan, and with a whir of gears, it began to flash a bright spotlight from the iris, flashing at the Prisoner.
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