Read the following before reporting a bug
Before reporting a bug, please check this section to see if it has already been reported. If it hasn't, make a new topic and report according to the following instructions.All reports must use this template. If you do not use this template, the developers may not be able to investigate your problem:
Code: Select all
[b]User Agent String:[/b]
[b]What happened?:[/b]
[b]What did you expect to happen?:[/b]
[b]Can you reproduce the problem?:[/b]
[b]What did you do before the problem showed up?:[/b]
User Agent String: Are you using a Windows or a Mac or a Linux? Firefox or Chrome, and what type? All this information is stored in the user agent string. You can find yours here.
Link: Give us a link that shows us the bug. Any glitch in the editor or the player should have a link to an editor page or player page, respectively, to a trial where we can generate the bug. Give a link to a save state, if applicable.
What happened?: Tell us what happened. Detail is absolutely critical here, as bugs can often depend on things that don't seem like they would be important, and one badly explained line can make life much harder for developers. Remember when writing your report that we don't know your case, so you will need to be specific.
Here are some sample "What happened":
I loaded my trial and my sprites are all messed up.
I loaded my trial in the player, and all my custom sprites are in the top-left corner. The default sprites are unaffected.
Example 2 and 3 give enough information for the developers to take a look. Example 1 does not. You can save everybody time by being clear detailed from the start!I loaded my trial in the editor, and some of the references on my custom sprites are wrong. On frame 50, for example, I selected my character's "angry," but for some reason, the "anxious" sprite shows up, both when playing the trial and when previewing the frame in the editor.
Remember: If you edit your trial after saving it, there may be problems if you load the save again.
Also, please use the following prefixes in the topic's title:-
- Add "[E]" to the front of topics that are about the Trial Editor.
- Add "[P]" to the front of topics that are about the Trial Player.
- Add "[M]" to the front of topics that are about the Trial Manager.
- Add "[S]" to the front of topics that are about pages on the site (such as the homepage and the credits page).
- Add "[F]" to the front of topics that are about the forums.