Rules (last updated 2011-05-04)

Discuss topics that are unrelated to Ace Attorney Online, introduce yourself if you're new and read the latest Member of the Month interview.

Moderators: EN - Assistant Moderators, EN - Forum Moderators

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Rules (last updated 2011-05-04)

Post by Unas »

General chatting rules
These rules apply to the General chatting forum.

In addition to the global forum rules, the GC section is subject to a few rules to keep it organised and pleasant to read. They have mostly been applied implicitly until now, but things are better when clear.
  • You must post threads that are forum games in the Forum games subforum.
  • You must post threads related to video games in the Video games subforum.
  • You should post random posts (i.e. posts that don't belong in any already existing topic) in the Topic of Randomness Revived! topic.
  • You should post random videos (i.e. videos that don't belong in any already existing topic) in the COOL VID TOPIC topic.
  • You may freely create new topics in the General chatting forum, provided it does not fall under any of the previous rules. This means that all topics created should have a real theme, inciting a discussion, and not only showcasing a single fact or video.
The staff moderating this section can move, edit, archive or delete any content if they feel it does not respect these rules.
If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.
Si le savoir peut créer des problèmes, ce n'est pas l'ignorance qui les résoudra. ( Isaac Asimov )