General chatting rules
These rules apply to the General chatting forum.In addition to the global forum rules, the GC section is subject to a few rules to keep it organised and pleasant to read. They have mostly been applied implicitly until now, but things are better when clear.
- You must post threads that are forum games in the Forum games subforum.
- You must post threads related to video games in the Video games subforum.
- You should post random posts (i.e. posts that don't belong in any already existing topic) in the Topic of Randomness Revived! topic.
- You should post random videos (i.e. videos that don't belong in any already existing topic) in the COOL VID TOPIC topic.
- You may freely create new topics in the General chatting forum, provided it does not fall under any of the previous rules. This means that all topics created should have a real theme, inciting a discussion, and not only showcasing a single fact or video.
The staff moderating this section can move, edit, archive or delete any content if they feel it does not respect these rules.