How to get started ?

If you wish to contribute to the Ace Attorney Online Game Creation Engine open source project, or just know more about the way it is developed, this is the place.

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How to get started ?

Post by Unas »

The whole code of the AAO engine can be found in the following repository.

Image AAO Game Creation Engine

This repository contains all code and development history of AAOv6 since its start in 2010.

How to test AAO on my machine ?

Refer to the README file at the root of the repository.

How to contribute to the AAO engine ?

First, here are the things you will need to contribute. Don't worry, it's all free :-P This AAO repository is public, as in everyone can read and download the code - however, only a select few (namely, myself at the moment) will ever be able to modify it directly.
In order to contribute to AAO, you will need to use the fork and pull request mechanism.
More explanations about the workflow on the repository's documentation.
If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.
Si le savoir peut créer des problèmes, ce n'est pas l'ignorance qui les résoudra. ( Isaac Asimov )