Almost every sound won't load

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Almost every sound won't load

Post by Maifate »

Hi, I play AAO on android.
When I try to play any of the trials, the sound won't load. Already tried different browsers, reload, waiting, and even two other different android phones, but still no luck, the sound still forever stuck. Only images load.

So when I play, the only sound I heard are just typing sound, objection, take that, and hit object sound.
I know there's supposed to be more sound than that. Because I can hear the soundtrack when I just open my browser and continue from my last save, but it will disappear immediately when I click next button.

I'm not sure if only me having this problem.
If someone has a solution, it would be appreciated a lot.

I don't know what's the problem...
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Re: Almost every sound won't load

Post by AceAttorneyMaster111 »

What browser are you using? As far as I know, we don’t support Android.
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Re: Almost every sound won't load

Post by Enthalpy »

This is probably a bad interaction between the Soundmanager system that AAO uses and your Android. As AAM said, the AAO developers are not interested in improving performance on mobile devices presently.

That said, we (chiefly ThePasch) are interested in switching away from Soundmanager, but we ran into a bug that prevented that. If that changes, we may make the switch, and that may improve Android. That's the only progress on this issue that I anticipate.
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Re: Almost every sound won't load

Post by Maifate »

Ah I see, thank you for the replies.
I have tried using Chrome and Opera Mini, still the same.

Too bad, I was hoping to play on Android since it's getting tiring sitting longer in front of my pc. And I know Ace Attorney cases tends to be long like RPG.
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