Hi! Although I found the new editor's features amazing (a really great job from the team), I noticed some bugs in this new update. They are not quite related, but since they didn't happen before, I thought I could use the same post for all of them:
Text speed: it no longer allows setting a frame speed as a decimal number - 1.5 will play like 1. It would be great to fix it, because sometimes I find 1 too slow but 2 quite fast. (numbers under 1 seem to work, though)
Check evidence button: when a text is displayed, it will no longer adjust the line, so a big text can't be read:
Spoiler : :
Empty text box: before this update, when you set a frame with no text to be passed automatically (like when you want a screen flash or a shake) the text box is sometimes displayed just for an instant, enough to cover whatever is back. Here's an example:
Spoiler : :
Bug at gif loops: this has been happening for a while (I don't recall if this was ever fine). When you use a sprite/pop-up gif, the internal frame where it starts is quite random - my belief is that, whenever a gif plays and then it goes, it keeps playing internally, so when it plays again, it will start from its internal frame (?)
Spoiler : :
First time: Second time:
First time: Second time: (the last gif doesn't pause like that, it's just a recording issue; but it does start wrong, unlike the first)
I don't know if this has any solution, but it's certainly annoying. Though, I found a practical solution to avoid it - insert an empty frame above to push the gif start frame.
For the record, I'm using Windows 10 and Mozzila.
Again, thanks for your time and I hope I made myself clear.
Some comments, mild investigation notes, and speculation:
Text speed: Can't replicate, decimal numbers work fine for me. Check evidence button: New bug introduced with the mobile CSS. The width of that box (#screen-cr-item-check) is currently defined at 90vw (90% your screen's width), which works perfectly fine on mobile but breaks on any horizontal resolution wider than the white info-bar at the top of the screen. Changing it to "width: min(90vw, 1090px*0.9);" is probably a good enough bandaid fix until the actual underlying problem causing it is fixed. To deal with it for now: zoom in the webpage until it comes back onscreen, as counter-intuitive as that is. Empty text boxes: New bug, probably introduced with the merge frame behaviour updates. Bug at gif loops:See this thread for discussion regarding gif timings.
Last edited by DeathByAutoscroll on Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thrower of bricks. Things I have made or have directly helped make, in chronological order:
samuko wrote: ↑Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:33 pm
Though, I found a practical solution to avoid it - insert an empty frame above to push the gif start frame.
I am curious what you mean by this part though. Do you mean just any blank frame, even just a 1ms one? And that reliably fixes the issue for you?
Not just 1ms. The point is to guess where the frame gif starts, then adding an empty frame with a duration being the difference between the frame you guessed and the total duration of the gif.
For example, if your gif lasts 1000ms but the player starts it at 750ms, adding a 250ms frame above seems to work.
I don't know how accurate this is, but every time I have this issue, this seems to fix it:
Spoiler : :
Here, I started setting the first frame a 1000ms wait, but then the gif at the second frame bugged.
So I added 200ms to the wait (total: 1200ms) and the gif played fine.
samuko wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:39 pm
Not just 1ms. The point is to guess where the frame gif starts, then adding an empty frame with a duration being the difference between the frame you guessed and the total duration of the gif.
Ah, I guess that workaround could work if it consistently starts at the same place every time, like in group of timed frames that the player can't control the timing of. Unfortunately wouldn't be applicable the majority of the time though. And it also wouldn't work for when the player loaded the image already and reloaded a save, or has it in their cache and refreshes.
I probably wouldn't recommend that workaround either, cause if the gif timings ever get fixed, you'd have to undo all that to fix them again.