Are you making a case? Do you have too many frames to check through? Are you sick and tired of trying to track down those presentation issues your valued playtesters/case competition judges pointed out?
If any of the above questions apply, worry not! With The Unofficial AAO Case Polishing Toolkit (TUACPT) you can be assured you got every single one of those frames without having to manually hunt around much in the editor. The Unofficial AAO Case Polishing Toolkit scans your trial_data for common presentation issues, and comes with some options for customising it's features. Note: currently not configurable from the bookmarklet version.
Currently this tool scans for:
- (Thought frames where the character is not set to Do Not Talk.)
- Frames consisting only of "..." or similar text without Do Not Talk set.
- "Hide previous characters" enabled during a screen fadeout.
- Merged frames which update their names.
- If "Synchronise with Text" is enabled. (It is super rare that is done intentionally.)
- Fades that are longer than the "Wait for..." timer (e.g. 1500ms fade timer in a 1000ms timed frame)
- Timed frames with a timer shorter than it takes to display the text (in development)
- This tool is unofficial, and not officially supported by anyone associated with AAO. Use at your own risk.
- DO NOT RUN RANDOM JAVASCRIPT CODE WITHOUT REVIEWING IT FIRST. I have included links below to the live code the bookmarklet actually runs, and a separate dev repo below. The code this bookmarklet runs may be updated without warning at any time.
- This tool will highlight any frame that meets any of the conditions above, even if it intentionally set. There is no way to get around this that I know of, so the code is unlikely to have any option to modify trial data. You need to fix anything it highlights yourself.
- This tool is intended to help resolved common presentation issues. This tool is NOT a replacement for proper case review or playtesting.
- This code has been tested only on Firefox and may or may not work on your browser.
How to use:
1. Create a new bookmark, and replace the URL field with the code below (Adapted from FerdieLance's Trial Code Export Bookmarklet).
Code: Select all
javascript:%20(function(){var%20jsCode=document.createElement('script');%20jsCode.setAttribute('src',' Polish Toolkit/AAOCasePolisherToolkit.js');%20document.body.appendChild(jsCode);}());
2. Go to the trial editor of a case you wish to run TUACPT over.
3. Open the console of your browser (F12 on Firefox, and then the Console tab).
4. Run the code by either clicking on the bookmarklet or pasting the code into the console directly. The code will output into the console directly under the "Info" category.
5. Scroll, or use CTRL+F to quickly get to the each highlighted frame and change what is needed.
You can review the live bookmarklet code here: ... Toolkit.js
If you wish to contribute, clean up, steal, or otherwise edit the code; A dev repo can be found here: ... er-Toolkit
If you have any comments, ideas, praise, critiques, suggestions, inquires, or better acronyms for the tool please leave a reply!
List of planned features/Known bugs.
- Feature: Add code to display if a frame is in a CE or Investigation block as you cannot currently CTRL + F to it directly.
- Bug: Timed text frames check does not account for pauses or instant tags.
- Feature: Detect if text wraps from 1 side to the other from lack of newlines as an optional category.
- Feature: Detect if text exceeds 4 lines in the textbox.
- Feature: Check if frame redirects to ID 0.
- Feature: Check for a pause after punctuation (i.e ![#], ! [#], with filtering for end of textbox and whatnot)
- Cleanup: Have a better way to handle categories.
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