[M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

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[M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by TimeAxis »

PHOENIX WRIGHT: Ace Attornauts
Alpha Version 0.1.1 (Demo)

"Exciting multi-layered point and click gameplay" - DeathByAutoscroll
"extremely good proof of concept in my opinion" -Samallama

Spoiler : Demo Content :
The Demo goes roughly 60% of the way into Episode 1.
Note: A Custom Script is recommended to enhance this case. The script is technically not required to complete the case, but the improvements it adds are significant and highly recommended. This script is not compatible with my Keyboard Control script, so you should turn that off if you're using it.
Spoiler : :
Userscript Method:
If you get a userscript browser add-on such as Tampermonkey, you can add the following Userscript and it should just work:
(Note: Sometimes it doesn't work and you need to refresh the page. You can tell it's working if the page background is black and it says "Team TIMEAXIS Translations" in the top-right corner. This will take a couple seconds before it kicks in.)

Console Method
If you don't wish to install any extensions, you can copy and paste the following code into your browser's console by right-clicking the page after it has fully loaded, and clicking Inspect, then going to the Console tab and pasting the following:
Spoiler : :

Code: Select all

    console.log("Script aceattornauts_init() function started.");

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    //                   DIFFERENT BLIPS

    var maxRetries = 100; // Maximum number of retries
    var retryCount = 0;

    function waitForSoundHowler() {
        if (typeof SoundHowler !== "undefined") {
            // SoundHowler is defined, you can proceed with your code
            console.log("SoundHowler loaded");
            retryCount = 0;
        } else {
            // SoundHowler is not defined yet, check again after 2 seconds
            if (retryCount <= maxRetries) {
                setTimeout(waitForSoundHowler, 2000);
            } else {
                alert("Could not load SoundHowler");

    // Start waiting for SoundHowler

    function loadSounds() {
        var voice1 = SoundHowler.getSoundById('voice_-1');
        var voice2 = SoundHowler.getSoundById('voice_-2');
        var voice3 = SoundHowler.getSoundById('voice_-3');

        if (voice1 !== null && voice2 !== null && voice3 !== null) {
            // All sounds are loaded, you can execute your code here
            console.log("Sounds loaded");

            for(var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
                var voice_id = 'voice_-' + i;
                SoundHowler.registerSound(voice_id, {
                    urls: ['https://BeyondTimeAxis.github.io/aao/contest/5/voice_blip' + i + '.opus', 'https://aaonline.fr/voices/voice_' + -i + '.wav', 'https://aaonline.fr/voices/voice_' + -i + '.mp3'],
                    loop: false,
                    volume: 100
        } else {
            // Some sounds are still null, retry after 2 seconds
            if (retryCount <= maxRetries) {
                setTimeout(loadSounds, 2000);
            } else {
                alert("Could not change blip sounds");

    //                   KEYBOARD CONTROLS

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    // Define the target image source URLs
    const targetImageSrcs = {
        enter: ["http://www.aaonline.fr/img/player/proceed.gif","http://www.aaonline.fr/img/player/skip.gif","http://aaonline.fr/img/player/proceed.gif","http://aaonline.fr/img/player/skip.gif","https://aaonline.fr/img/player/proceed.gif","https://aaonline.fr/img/player/skip.gif","https://www.aaonline.fr/img/player/proceed.gif","https://www.aaonline.fr/img/player/skip.gif",],

    // Keep track of the Enter key press state and whether a click has been performed
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    let enterClicked = false;

    // Function to simulate click on images with the target source URLs
    function clickImagesWithSrc(srcArray) {
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        let clicked = false; // Flag to track if a click has been performed
        images.forEach(img => {
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                const imgSrc = img.src.toLowerCase();
                srcArray.forEach(src => {
                    if (imgSrc === src.toLowerCase()) {
                        clicked = true; // Set the flag to prevent multiple clicks
                        return; // Break out of loop after clicking the first visible image

    function clickOptionLinkStartingWith(searchString) {
        const clickTarget = getElementByStartingString(aElements, searchString);
        if(isVisible(clickTarget) && isVisible(clickTarget.parentElement)) {

    // Event listener for keydown
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            enterPressed = true;
            enterClicked = true;
            event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behavior
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit1 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad1) {
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit2 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad2) {
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit3 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad3) {
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit4 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad4) {
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit5 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad5) {
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit6 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad6) {
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit7 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad7) {
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit8 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad8) {
        } else if (keyCode === keyCodes.digit9 || keyCode === keyCodes.numpad9) {

    document.addEventListener("keyup", event => {
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        if (keyCode === keyCodes.enter) {
            enterPressed = false;
            enterClicked = false;
        if (keyCode === keyCodes.space) {
            enterPressed = false;
            enterClicked = false;
(Note that this method requires you to do it every time you visit the page, including if you reload a save.)
If you experience any weird behavior or possible bugs with the script, feel free to let me know.

WALKTHROUGH/README (Note: May contain minor spoilers for the full case, especially if you read the credits, although the walkthrough part is safe.)

Case Link:
Last edited by TimeAxis on Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:26 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Question Arcs (Threads Coming Eventually)
Gaiden Episodes
Champion of Turnabouts ★
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by Samallama »

I am so sorry for the confusion Time lmao... I have made such a foolish fool of myself.
Anyways, this case is cool and you guys should play it :3c
Also I told you not to take that quote out of context but I guess I was just setting myself up for that T-T
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by DeathByAutoscroll »

Everyone should embrace the point & click adventure game, dust off their old dial-an-attornaut wheels, and enjoy the demo of this case.
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by TimeAxis »

Samallama wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:06 pm Also I told you not to take that quote out of context but I guess I was just setting myself up for that T-T
Okay I fixed it.

Anyway, the README says pretty much everything I have to say about this case currently, but suffice to say this demo is only a very small slice of what I have planned. Either way, hope people enjoy it.
Question Arcs (Threads Coming Eventually)
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by DeathByAutoscroll »

There is a rouge [/size] tag at the end of my quote (will delete this post when it is fixed)
Thrower of bricks.
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by TimeAxis »

DeathByAutoscroll wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:13 pm There is a rouge [/size] tag at the end of my quote (will delete this post when it is fixed)
You can't delete posts after people reply to them, too bad.
Question Arcs (Threads Coming Eventually)
Gaiden Episodes
Champion of Turnabouts ★
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts
The Curious Case of the Phantom Limousine (Coming Eventually)
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Dylan Dog
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by Dylan Dog »

This is the best DS game that never happened. Except it's not supposed to be a DS game. Anyway the only reason I could ever not recommend this is because you would surely get hungry for more but this is just a demo...
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by SuperAj3 »

Trust TimeAxis to flip the AAO editor on its head. You're the Araki of the fandom, ever one-upping the ante of your projects to making more and more impressive technical feats a reality in this editor. I'm so absolutely impressed.
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by TimeAxis »

Thanks for playing. I will say, the scripting does feel a bit like cheating, like I’m not even really using AAO anymore. Theoretically I could make almost anything this way. I don’t know if it’s necessarily the path I want to go down for future stuff. But it was a fun experiment at least.
Question Arcs (Threads Coming Eventually)
Gaiden Episodes
Champion of Turnabouts ★
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts
The Curious Case of the Phantom Limousine (Coming Eventually)
The Imposter's Turnabout (Coming Maybe)
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by risefromtheashes »

Question: Does the userscript for this case work in tandem with your "press Space/Enter/Ctrl to advance frames" script?
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- Athena Cykes ~ Locks on the Heart (synopsis)
- May Your Memory Be a Blessing
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by Dylan Dog »

risefromtheashes wrote: Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:32 am Question: Does the userscript for this case work in tandem with your "press Space/Enter/Ctrl to advance frames" script?
The "press button" script is included in this case's script, it was when I played it.
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by TimeAxis »

risefromtheashes wrote: Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:32 am Question: Does the userscript for this case work in tandem with your "press Space/Enter/Ctrl to advance frames" script?
It’s not compatible and may cause bugs if both are used together. I removed the ctrl to fast forward part because it kept triggering when I didnt want it to, like whenever I held ctrl to change the zoom of the page. Enter/Space to advance is included though.
Question Arcs (Threads Coming Eventually)
Gaiden Episodes
Champion of Turnabouts ★
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts
The Curious Case of the Phantom Limousine (Coming Eventually)
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by GuardianDreamer »

Very interesting demo, especially as someone who's familiar with some of the works that inspired this. I may post more detailed thoughts later. For now, though...
Spoiler : :
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by CodingAnt »

I forgot to reply when I actually played the case :random:
Anyway this is an excellent demo and a huge vibe, can't wait to see where things go from here.
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Re: [M][CE] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attornauts [DEMO] ○○○○

Post by casewriter »

Spoiler : :
So I see this won't be your average ace attorney game. Evidence doesn't seem to be as important as fighting in mechs. But this is just the demo. I'm sure there will be plenty of logic battles in the near future. Anyways, good job at hooking me in!
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