To request for your username to be changed, copy and paste the form below into a reply to this topic. We ask that you write your old username so that other members can check this thread if they don't recognise you after the change.
An administrator will change your username as he or she checks this thread. However, the administrator may decide not to change your username if your new username is drastically different from your old one or if you have already changed it recently.
Yes indeed, it was necessary for me to choose this highly superior name. I don't see what the problem is, the new form system prevents people from ever being without a way to know who someone is. The new system sounded all good until that pointlessly restrictive bit.
If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. Si le savoir peut créer des problèmes, ce n'est pas l'ignorance qui les résoudra. ( Isaac Asimov )
Is is too drastic of a change to Twilight Lakota 60? (At least the number is still there...)
Old name: Wooperboy60 New name: Twilight Lakota 60
† I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and am proud of it! Copy and paste this if you are too.† I love My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic and I'm proud of it! Paste this into your sig if you are too! Currently Playing: Starting Umineko
Well, the number isn't exactly what you're known by.
People tend to refer to you as Wooper : it'd be good if your new username contained "wooper" as well.
So, yep, that's what I'd consider a drastic change, and that's a no for now as per my new policy
If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. Si le savoir peut créer des problèmes, ce n'est pas l'ignorance qui les résoudra. ( Isaac Asimov )
Okay then. *Tries to think of a way to combine Twilight Sparkle, Rob Lakota, and Wooper into a name that doesn't sound stupid*
† I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and am proud of it! Copy and paste this if you are too.† I love My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic and I'm proud of it! Paste this into your sig if you are too! Currently Playing: Starting Umineko